Need Coop Advice!

Got it, thanks for the feedback! Any idea on price ranges for the individual plans?

I will keep you in mind when I get the site off the ground, thanks so much!
I don't know much about how much coop plans cost in general? So I'm not much help here, but I think the one I bought a bit back was pretty simple and was $15ish. And it was for an easy-to-build coop, so I think that anything more complex would cost more, because it'd be more work for you guys to turn it into something other people can use, you know?
I think having the option to buy individual plans for $10-15 is great, but also maybe an option at a discounted price over purchasing all the plans individually, the whole set. Or maybe a discount for purchases of multiple plans. The first coop I built I made from just a photo I found online and had to figure out all the measurements and cut list as I went along (and made plenty of mistakes along the way!). The second one I'm planning on building I purchased the basic design and materials list, but it doesn't have a cut list. It would be nice to have all the directions to work from.
Great suggestion, thank you! From what I am hearing, it seems like offering them individually and also having some package/bundle deals is the way to go.
Hi Everyone - I am finally back. This is a continuation of a discussion I began back in April of this year. I received some VERY helpful responses from members here. The short recap is that I was compiling my coop designs and having formal build plans made by an architect...after which I would sell on my new website that is dedicated to easy-to-follow chicken coop plans that are meant for the backyard builder.

After 7 months of hard work, the plans are finally ready...except the last important detail - I NEED HELP with coop names. I have hit a roadblock because I have ideas on a few different themes. I know it probably is not critical to the success of the plans, but I still want to have appealing names that have the right "fit". If you would be so kind to reply with which you like best (and why if you have a few extra minutes to explain) I would appreciate it so much! For added incentive to hear from you all, I will send a 75% off coupon for any set of plans to all those who reply. If you don't care about the coupon, it would still be nice to hear your thoughts:

  • What I call "Townhouse" names. These are slightly more formal/uniform. Examples would be: The Ashford Coop, The Brookville Coop, The Manchester Coop.
  • Past U.S. Presidents. Examples would be: The Carter, The Coolidge, The Madison
  • New York City inspired names (I lived there for a period of time). Examples would be: The Lexington Coop, The Bleecker Coop, The Fulton Coop
  • "Fun" coop names. Many are inspired by this forum. Examples would be: CoopDeVille, The Egg Plant, Hen Den, Over Easy Inn

Keep in mind these will be the coop model names on my website. I was thinking maybe to use one of the first three bullets above, and then putting together a fun "coop naming guide" that comes with the coop plans and consists of names similar to the last bullet point above. This way, people can name the coop themselves and the names on the website are simply the coop plan model, not the coop name.

Thank you all so much in advance for your help! I cant wait to hear your input and replies! Have a good day!

Just remember while “most women” are about all the details; “most men” are visual in detail we all know what we want we just see it differently so to speak personally I like both a lot of details and pictures, a list of materials and dimensions is very handy but to price the materials is touchy, prices fluctuate and differ in different areas you live in Montana and you sell plans that say materials are $200 someone in Georgia builds it for $150 they are happy = good reviews; someone in California buys the same plans and it cost $250 now they are mad about it = bad reviews..... but JMHO overall love the idea

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