Need dish ideas for Easter??Whats your favorite?


10 Years
Jul 1, 2009
new Hampshire
So I have to bring food to my Dh family Easter, So far all I am making is Hot Cross buns and those chocolate nest with the canday robin eggs in them.
I heard rabbit stew was good.
you can do beautiful delicious desserts with jello. One easter year I made a jello cake one half of it, the bottom, had cream cheese mixed in to make the bottom opaiqu (i know i misspelled that), and the top was a clear pale pink and I used sliced fruit to make it look like flowers and stems set inside. You can find a lot of easy and beautiful ideas for spring jello dishes online.
Are you making a dinner-dish or a dessert? I've had great luck with dessert recipes here:

Look up "banana butterscotch cake." It's really easy (I don't bother with the "melted chips drizzled on top" step...I just dust with powdered sugar). Before I moved away from all my friends, there was a standing request for that to be made for any gathering. One piece of advice from someone who's made it for years -- the first layer to go into the pan should NOT be the butterscotch layer...otherwise, it sticks too much.

There are other things there that are more detailed, like some great cheesecake recipes. Oh, and one thing I learned from making cheesecakes is to use the water-bath method. Basically, you wrap foil around the bottom of the spring-form pan and flare it up. While you're preheating the oven, have a roasting pan or something else that's big enough for the spring-form pan to sit inside. Fill that roasting pan with enough water so that it will come near to the edge when the spring-form pan is inside. When you're ready to put the cheesecake in, place it in the water. It helps keep moisture in the oven, distributes the heat better, and when the edges are just set, turn off the oven and open the door and leave the cheesecake in the water bath until it comes down to room temp. Don't put it into the fridge to set until that time. I've done that and I almost NEVER get a cracked top.

There is a really yummy pumpkin-pear strudel recipe in there. So easy if you buy the frozen filo dough -- you're basically just mixing the filling. Goes GREAT with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce.

Now I'm hungry......
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AquaEyes - Great Link!

I have 2 huge bags of homegrown pumpkin puree in my freezer & this is a great way to use them up.
I even have the phyllo dough.

The butterscotch banana cake sounds yummy & I have some overripe bananas in the freezer that need to become cake : 9

With the cold, wet Spring we're having I may cheer myself by doing some baking
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