Need Egg Pictures for Egg Color Chart.


Cats Critters

Completely Indecisive
13 Years
Oct 15, 2007
Clarion County, PA
My Coop
My Coop
Pictures are still needed!

I've been working on an egg-color- chart:

and I'm adding pictures, so can anyone post pics of egg from any breed(s) on the list! Please Only have one breed's egg in a picture if possible! Thanks! Also Comments are welcome on the page.

I still need these breeds egg pics:

White Layers:
Appenzeller Spithauben
Cream Brabanter

Cream or tinted Layers:

Brown Layers:
Russian Orlofft

Note : this is a new thread because my old post was getting to full and confusing.
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I think it's a good idea, however, you will have two problems.

The first problem being, the eggs pictures will not be taken with the exact same lighting and white balance. End results, your colors will be way off. Meaning, you might end up with 2 brown eggs from the same breed look totally different because two different people took the picture with different lighting conditions and white balance. Or white egg might end up with a bluish or reddish tint because of poor lighting.

Second problem being the eggs wont be taken from the exact same distance so there would be no reference point for size.

So unfortunately, you will end up with meaningless data.

Love your egg page Cat-Critters - it's not meaningless to me.
The first problem being, the eggs pictures will not be taken with the exact same lighting and white balance. End results, your colors will be way off. Meaning, you might end up with 2 brown eggs from the same breed look totally different because two different people took the picture with different lighting conditions and white balance. Or white egg might end up with a bluish or reddish tint because of poor lighting.

I agree up to a point, yes they will be different shades but it gives you the idea of what they look like. The only way to do what your saying is to have people ship me eggs of every breed I don't have and take them my self in a controlled environment. Which I might end up doing with the breeds I have. But this chart has colors listed as well so it will help people.
Second problem being the eggs wont be taken from the exact same distance so there would be no reference point for size.

This chart is not about size it's about color, that might change later but for the moment that's all that madders for the chart.

Love your egg page Cat-Critters - it's not meaningless to me.


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