Need hatching buddy! Setting 5 duck and 5 hen eggs Sat 1/16

I have 2 piped and maybe 2 rocking.Started this Morning areound 8:30. Husband called to tell me about it. I cant stay away from the incubator. I hope they hatch before I have to go to work in the morning.
I think you want to err on the safe side and give the eggs a couple of days past expected hatch date. Especially if your temps were running a little low?

3 pips!!!

My temps have been consistently 101.5 so maybe we will be done with the hatch by the weekend!
Yes, on the subject of pip and hatch, the method says not to open the bator for 5 days after lockdown. The chicks' egg yolk will last them three days, so I would go by that. Mine are rockin' when I shine a light on them, woohoo!
OMG this is killing me
I go down there and put lights on to see whats what and they rock (some of them not all) and i can hear a peep but still only 3 pips. I wish they woud just pop out and yell TAH DAH!

I'm very hopeful-2 pips (1 green egg, 1 blue) in the LG and some rocking and rolling amongst the 6 ee eggs.
Still waiting for signs in the Suro (13 BCM eggs).

Ladeefire and Classless congrats on all the activity, can't wait to hear and see more!!!


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