Need help!! Can anyone tell me what breed my hen is?


Shay's Flock of Fun
11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
in the wild, Mass
Hello, I need help to figure out acxacly what breed my hen is, I thought she was a Black Dutch Bantam, I had them tested today for there blood work to be done, The gentalman said he dont think she is a Dutch becouse she is a tad bigger, and her earlobes and crown and wattles are a little bigger than a dutch.
She has white earlobes
she has black legs
she is bantam
sha has white small eggs
Here is a pic of her at 4 months, she is now 5 and a half months. in the pics her earlobes, crown, wattles are smaller than now.
Any suggestions?


I dunno, but she looks a lot like my black dutch bantam...Would have to see them side by side to tell...her legs may be a tad longer than my hen's. But then I guess individuals do vary within a breed.
If she is from a hatchery she could still be a Dutch. My first Dutch were an accidental shipment from McMurray. The girls weighed 1.5 pounds when fully grown.

A bantam Minorca should weigh around 1.75 pounds.

Thank you everyone for your help, Now I belive that she is a Minorca, becouse she lays white eggs, and dutch lays brown eggs, and she does not stand like a dutch.

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