Need help determining breed of these chicks!


7 Years
Apr 16, 2012
I'd appreciate any experienced input on the breed of these chicks. We rescued them from a family that could not keep them due to their town's regulations. I'm a newbie, so I'm doing my best to self educate and it would help tremendously to know what breed I'm dealing with.

The only info I have is that they were purchased at a Tractor Supply store, supposedly have high egg productivity and will be smaller than RIRs when full grown. They have 5 toes and are a very light yellow with some very faint rusty-brownish markings around the neck (not sure how much you can see from pics). I'm estimating them to be about 2 weeks old now, but again, I'm guessing.

Any and all input will be greatly appreciated. Let me know if any other questions need to be answered to help out in possible determination of breed.

Thank you in advance!
Silkies are hard to sex. You'll probably have to wait if the crow or lay an egg. Oops, I'm not

Nice looking chicks btw.
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Thanks everyone. Appreciate the expert input! Now a more focused education can continue...

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