Need help determining the gender of this chick


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 7, 2012
I hatched three eggs that hatched early this morning ( paint silkies) and one actually hatched black with white streaks through his or her feathers. He or she has a white chin so I was wondering if that could have any bareing on it's gender? So far it seems to be the calmest chick out of all of them. I thought I remember reading somewhere that the white chin on a black chick determined whether it was male or female but it could have been for a certain kind of chicken breed. Please let me know what you think. Thank you!
Paint crossed with Paint does not equal sex-linked chicks. You should be able to tell the gender of your chick the normal way (by appearance/development) when it is at least 10 weeks old. I've never heard of a white chin being a sex-linked trait on any breed, though it very well could be.
Paint crossed with Paint does not equal sex-linked chicks. You should be able to tell the gender of your chick the normal way (by appearance/development) when it is at least 10 weeks old. I've never heard of a white chin being a sex-linked trait on any breed, though it very well could be.
Barred chicks hatch out black/dark with a white spot on the head. Paint x Paint shouldn't have any barring in the mix. You'll just have to wait it out
Is this a rooster? About 8 weeks old.. middle pic is with its "sister" she is darker, no real comb.. they both have a little black wash on the front of their legs.. but this one looks like its getting a comb and wattles the other doesn't


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