Need help encouraging them to roost at night


Jun 27, 2013
Tampa, FL
Hi! We have 9 chicks all about 6-8 weeks old. We had been letting them be in the run outside during the day and bringing them into the garage at night, but we moved them outside permanently 4 days ago. They love it out there, but they are still not going up the ladder to the coop/roosting area at dusk. They get scared, but they can't figure out where they are supposed to go! My kids climb in and scoop them up there, but we are heading out of town next week and I really want them going to bed on their own before we leave town. Any advice?

I've attached a picture of our setup.

So far what i've done is move their food and water up into the raised coop and, of course, we put them up to bed at night and close them in. Any other thoughts, or do I just have to wait this out?

Update! 6 of the 9 went up the ramp on their own. :D The remaining 3 huddled in the corner of the run crying for me to move them. We inherited our run/coop setup from some neighbors, and it while it gives them plenty of space, I would never have built a run with a roof so low. Kids were in bed, so I got to crawl through to move the little ones up into the run. Tomorrow I'll try the light!

Thanks again :)
Success! I was at work later than I expected, so by the time I brought the light out 7 of the 9 were already in. I watched the remaining 2 for about 5 minutes--talk about entertaining! They kept chirping up at their pals like "how did you get up there? How can we join you?" One even flew up to me--up against the hardware cloth--like "can you help me?" Finally, one figured out the ladder--and the other wasn't watching, so she freaked a little out a little when she saw she was alone. I ran in to get my camera, and when I came out they were all up there laying on top of each other.

You'd never know it, but there are nine of them piled in here. TONS of empty space, they just like to sleep on top of each other.

Thanks for the tips!


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How many times have your kids been doing that?

When mine were first outside, I only had to put them in 3 or 4 times...then, the next night I did not go out to them, and around 8:00 PM or so they all started going in by themselves. And I never had to put them in again!!!

But maybe some chickens learn faster? I'm not sure...

Hopefully this helped you!
Thank you! This is so helpful. I am going to wait until later than usual tonight and see if they figure it out. A few of them went up into the coop for food and water today, so I'm hoping they will go back at dusk. If they don't, I'll use a light tomorrow.

Thanks so much!
1sqft per bird? They need 4sqft/bird indoors! And 10sqft/bird in the run! And that's minimal. More room is better. 9 birds need clear floor space (meaning no nests or feeders in that space) of 36sqft. A 4X9 coop would work, but more is better and it doesn't account for chicken math.
The run needs to be 90 sqft or more. A 10X10 would work but again not account for chicken math.
Crowding may also explain 3 not wanting to go inside and crying.
Don't feel bad about not letting them free range. If you give them a large covered run with things of interest they will be fine. I too have numerous hawks and owls. I watch them drooling perched in the tree limbs above the covered run. Nope. Not gonna free range.

While I was just out with them, a hawk swooped right past my head! They can't get into the run at all, but man did that reinforce my no-free-range position. Ugh.

Here is some more accurate info and some photos from another angle. I think they have plenty of space for now, and will have more than enough once I explained the floor.

Run: 18ft X 8 ft (144 sq. ft); 180 sq. ft including the attached coop.
Coop: 4.5 ft X 8 ft. (36 sq. ft exactly!)
Raised floor/roosting area: 2.5 X 4 ft (10 sq. ft) , plus an additional roosting bar running across the width (4.5 ft). I will eventually lay more flooring (hardware cloth) across that to expand the raised floor.

Right now, they prefer to sleep right on top of each other. The largest is only about a week older than the rest, and the little ones (silkie bantams) treat her like their mama. She sort of lays on them, actually. They definitely aren't hurting for space yet, but i can see that we will need to give them more soon.



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Once I was watching 6 week old chicks figuring out to go to bed at night. Five of six were inside and the last one was pitifully cheeping - where is everybody? I'm all alone!!! Waaahh! Then one came back outside about halfway down the ramp so she could see him and then they both went inside. He came back out to get her, what a nice friend!

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