Need Help Fast!! Gasping chicken!

Little Roughian

7 Years
Aug 8, 2012
Stewie is about 4-5 mths old and has a cross beak (don't know if thats important). Yesterday night I found her "dead" on the floor, cold, not moving. I scooped her up and she started gasping for air. Eyes closed, occasional head rolling.After an hour of holding her and getting her warmed back up I finally said, you probably won't make it through the night, but her in her own area, and propped her upright. That AM she was perky and scampering around for her warm mash. This morning she was still alive!! Perkier, but still labored breathing. I dont see or feel anything that would be blocking her airway, and she hasn't been eating or drinking.

Is there something I can do? Anything else I should look for?
Stewie is about 4-5 mths old and has a cross beak (don't know if thats important). Yesterday night I found her "dead" on the floor, cold, not moving. I scooped her up and she started gasping for air. Eyes closed, occasional head rolling.After an hour of holding her and getting her warmed back up I finally said, you probably won't make it through the night, but her in her own area, and propped her upright. That AM she was perky and scampering around for her warm mash. This morning she was still alive!! Perkier, but still labored breathing. I dont see or feel anything that would be blocking her airway, and she hasn't been eating or drinking.

Is there something I can do? Anything else I should look for?
Good to hear shes perky again, maybe try feeding her plain yogurt and put some olive oil in it to help lubricate her throat.

Try putting some vitamins/electrolytes in her water.
Best of luck!
That's the problem. She's not eating or drinking. When I get her to worked up poking her she starts breathing harder. But her eyes are open, she stands, and moves around a little now. Ill try and get some yogurt. Last time I tried feeding her it she wanted layer pellets in it unordered to eat it. :/
She may not particularly like eatin' things she ain't used to … esp. when she's not particularly interested in eatin' anything at all, and it's water that's of the greatest importance. And enhanced water wouldn't be a bad idea either, and you can put it in w/ ane eyedropper if req'd.

Next, you should look for other symptoms (and watch flock for changes). Check the crop, the bottom, the eyes, etc. for anything unusual (comparing to the other birds of the same breed/age is my favorite tool ~'-)

The links at the bottom of this post open in a new window. There's one that allows you to identify an ailment based upon the symptoms, an then you can use the others for more detailed information about the treatment needed.
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Hope she is doing better! Just thought i would share an experience we had yestrdy with our Red sexlink my hubby noticed she was hanging her head funny and she was standing off alone pecking ground but not eating - when my son got home they held her and opened her beak and down her throat was part of a snail shell she could breathe an drink water but not eat - they were able to pull the shell out wth tweezers. She is ok now.:)
Hope she is doing better! Just thought i would share an experience we had yestrdy with our Red sexlink my hubby noticed she was hanging her head funny and she was standing off alone pecking ground but not eating - when my son got home they held her and opened her beak and down her throat was part of a snail shell she could breathe an drink water but not eat - they were able to pull the shell out wth tweezers. She is ok now.:)

Glad your little one was ok!

Well last night stewie was still alert and put up a small fight when I poked her all over. Other than a cross beak and raspy gasping breathing there's not really anything else I can see. Her breathing situation is the reason she doesn't do it as I held a bowl of water up for her and she nearly drowned herself with one little sip. I'll check out those links though. I don't want to loser little stewie if I don't have too!!
So her eyes are clear, no nasal discharge. she seems to want to eat but cant breath and eat. Still wheezing though, only gets gaspy if stressed.

What should I look at/for/ etc??? whats an easy way to check her airways?
So her eyes are clear, no nasal discharge. she seems to want to eat but cant breath and eat. Still wheezing though, only gets gaspy if stressed.

What should I look at/for/ etc??? whats an easy way to check her airways?

I sure wish I had a good/easy answer ... if you have other birds of the same breed/age, you can feel 'n compare (but, under these circumstances, I wouldn't suggest gettin' close to healthy birds 'til you change 'n clean up )-;~

Birds don't have a diaphram, and their lungs are fixed in position. They breathe by movement of the ribcage/keel ... they have quite a few air sacs, and I'm not entirely sure how the rest works, beyond makin' sure their ribs can move freely, and that there isn't any obstructions. Here's a link to a short PDF on the respiratory systems of poultry:

As to drinking? She hasn't got any choice, if she's gonna live. Eyedropper, or one of those bulbs for clearing infant's noses, or the ones for flushing ears, or take the brush from the one used for camera lenses ... in a pinch, I'll just take a cupped hand full, and trickle it between my fingers, where I've stuck the bird's lower beak. It's what I've called 'the drink or drown' method of forcing a bird to take water in.

But, first? make sure it's up to room temperature, so as to not chill the bird. Also, mix in one teaspoon per quart (four teaspoons per gallon) of Apple Cider Vinegar. This does many things, and can't hurt her (or any bird) at all ... it helps to clear any mucus that might be in the pathways, and helps w/ nutrient/vitamin uptake, as well as preventing/treating accumulations of toxins from botulism. Don't put it into galvanized containers, but it's a good idea to give this to all your birds, at least for a week or so.

Again? I wish I could just say, "Ahah!," and blurt out the solution, but I just don't know ...
sad news.... Stewie passed away...

I still looked her over and found nothing. guess its time to quarentine all the kids that were with her and scrub down the coop.
I had the same thing happen to me. No signs though. He looked very healthy. He had not been having any issues. Someone suggested cholera (I know I spelled that wrong). I began a penicillin shot every other day for three times. I could tell by the second shot that some of my others didn't feel well. But the shots worked. it took about two weeks, and my rooster started crowing again. I gave a lot of yogurt. And I had to use a syringe to get water down my rooster.

Look at everyone's poop. (check for worms) Have you wormed your chickens? Look at their eyes. And sit still with them for awhile and check their breathing. And look at their vent. Is anyone lethargic?

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