need help fast please!!!!


5 Years
May 30, 2014
I bought 6

new chicks tonight at local feed store with good chick reputation..... when I got them home I noticed 3 were having some issues.....
1) I noticed my polish has bald red spots on the crest.... my other 2 polish of the same age, 4 wks (this new one was from same batch but got the other 2 a couple weeks ago) don't have these spots... is this just feathers coming in? maybe it was being picked on at the store by other chicks? or illness?

2) i also noticed my bantam cochin (4 wks) was walking fine at the store but once we got home it would not walk. She seemed otherwise fine just wouldn't walk. Since we got home (about an hour) she has begun standing and have seen her take a single step.... maybe she was just scared? possible injury?

3) last and most concerning... my standard size cochin, about 1 wk old, I noticed she had a distended belly. I picked her up and realized her belly is not only distended it is red and throbbing..... what the heck does that mean?!?!?


Any help would be sooooo appreciated!!! thank you!
I don't have an answer for the first two, but on the last one the first thing I would do is make sure that she is able to poop- sometimes babies need "help" keeping that area clean and it gets glued over with poop. A warm bath and some gentle wiping may help. I don't have a lot of experience, but that would be the first thing I would try.
I hope you get more answers
I don't have an answer for the first two, but on the last one the first thing I would do is make sure that she is able to poop- sometimes babies need "help" keeping that area clean and it gets glued over with poop. A warm bath and some gentle wiping may help. I don't have a lot of experience, but that would be the first thing I would try.
I hope you get more answers
thank you , I will try but worried thats not it. One of my first girls had pasty butt... hence how she got her name "cuckabutt" :) but this chick's bum looks totally normal
It looks like your polish chickens were feather picked, which is a lifelong problem with polish chickens. Mine is 3 and she and a sister have had both of their crests pulled out a number of times. You may need to separate them if it gets bad, and use Neosporin if it is bloody, but BluKote usually worked for mine if it wasn't too bad. When the new feathers come back in a few weeks, they will need to be watched and BluKote may hide them. BluKote is available in spray or daub-on, but don't get it near eyes, plus it stains blue until it wears off. There are various anti-pick lotions at your feed store, and a bad tasting ointment like Bag Balm might work. I would start vitamins for your lame chick in case of a vitamin deficiency, and check her for swelling, bruising, a slipped tendon, or curled toes. The third chicken looks to have a hernia, but I haven't seen one before. Here is a good site for leg problems:
pecking is the cause of first chick,second chick if she is standing/walking now then she may just been a little scared. The last chick,is it the umbilical area that appears swollen/hot?
pecking is the cause of first chick,second chick if she is standing/walking now then she may just been a little scared. The last chick,is it the umbilical area that appears swollen/hot? seems to be warm, firm and very swollen. She has pooped since I last posted and she doesn't seem to be in any distress
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