Need help figuring out what kind of surprise package chickens we got

We got them from McMurray hatchery and they were supposed to be all female brown egg laying chicks. I took some new photos today and have been trying to upload them to show the white feathers and black legs but for some reason the internet doesn't want to play with my pictures. I'll post them when I get them uploaded finally.

Thanks everyone for the help!!
Here's a photo of the black legs on them. This is what they typically look like but there are three whose legs are solid black and the bottom of the feet only are yellow.

Looking at Murray McMurray's website, they list the following as possible candidates in a brown egglayer package:

Black Australorps; Lt. Brahmas; Dark Cornish; Black and White Giants; Buff and White Orpingtons; New Hampshire, Rhode Island Reds, Barred, White, Partridge, Buff Rocks;Delaware, Sussex, Turkens; White, Silver Laced, & Columbian Wyandottes, Red Star and Black Star.

The only barred possibility I see are Barred Rocks - maybe MM has bred the yellow out of them? Black Star roos would be barred, but I would expect them to be much lighter in color, plus the Brown Egg Layer special is supposed to be all pullets.

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