Need help finding quality Texas A&M and Jumbo Brown hatching eggs


7 Years
Jun 25, 2012
Hope you folks can help. I have been raising quail. I want to upgrade to Jumbo Browns and Texas A&M's. But I want to end up with the 12-13oz birds. Ebay-internet etc. has egss, but who knows what they will get. I have seen some white birds no larger than my standards. help with a name if you can. I am looking for several hundred eggs.I think a lot of people would like a source for "The Real Thing"
There are some BYC members that sells and trade. You can check the directory here

Good luck
Checked out the site you suggested. Now that's what I was looking for. Both members gave me the same site. Thanks so very much.
bought 210 off ebay 38 hatched.9 chicks are yellow.incu. set at rock solid 99 i too would like to find someone to buy from
Many great Coturnix breeders across the US....We are in the heat of the summer and many breeders have stopped shipping for the summer due to extreme heat...If you do make a purchase think about Express Mail shipping from the USPS.....and try and source hatching eggs close to your area....I have a network of breeders across the US who I work with to help people source local eggs....Its the best way I find in the summer heat.....Good luck !!!
I'd look at Farmer's Markets and craigslist. I got my first batch of Texas A&M's off craigslist and was able to see the adults of the babies I was purchasing. Look around locally. You might be surprised at what you find.
I've actually had great success with shipped eggs so far this year. I've hatched 40 of 70 chukars, 130 of 200 bobwhites, and 375 of 440 coturnix eggs.

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