Need help! Hatched new baby chick with something protruding out of it!


In the Brooder
Sep 12, 2021
So she must have hatched in the middle of the night, she definitely hatched early. She is very active and chirping a lot but has this on her bottom. It’s just there and doesn’t seem to be receding. She is moving around, walking and drying off in incubator. She doesn’t seem in any distress that I can’t tell. She has not pooped yet. There was like an umbilical cord thing in the end which was dried up and shriveled. I’m new to the chicken world and this is the first time we have hatched eggs. What do I do? What is this?


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It looks to me like the yolk sac, that a chick is supposed to absorb before they hatch-- she apparently got impatient and hatched too early ;)

If she can finish absorbing it without being picked on, she will probably be fine. So keep her somewhere safe, clean, and the right temperature (incubator or brooder will probably work fine, and the clean paper towel I see underneath her is a good idea.)
It looks to me like the yolk sac, that a chick is supposed to absorb before they hatch-- she apparently got impatient and hatched too early ;)

If she can finish absorbing it without being picked on, she will probably be fine. So keep her somewhere safe, clean, and the right temperature (incubator or brooder will probably work fine, and the clean paper towel I see underneath her is a good idea.)
Ok she has not absorbed it but is very active, eating, pooping, peeing and just loves to be held. It does look like it’s drying it up though so I assume that’s a good thing. She definitely hatched early by atleast 5 days because the other eggs still had 7 days when she decided to hatch :) I’ll keep you all posted
Ok she has not absorbed it but is very active, eating, pooping, peeing and just loves to be held. It does look like it’s drying it up though so I assume that’s a good thing. She definitely hatched early by atleast 5 days because the other eggs still had 7 days when she decided to hatch :) I’ll keep you all posted
Chickens don't pee.
So she must have hatched in the middle of the night, she definitely hatched early. She is very active and chirping a lot but has this on her bottom. It’s just there and doesn’t seem to be receding. She is moving around, walking and drying off in incubator. She doesn’t seem in any distress that I can’t tell. She has not pooped yet. There was like an umbilical cord thing in the end which was dried up and shriveled. I’m new to the chicken world and this is the first time we have hatched eggs. What do I do? What is this?
Is it still alive? :)

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