Need help identifying a new hen someone gave us!!


In the Brooder
Mar 6, 2015


We looked up both and they look really similar. Are ameraucana and EE the same breed? If not what is the difference? Do they both lay colored eggs?
We looked up both and they look really similar. Are ameraucana and EE the same breed? If not what is the difference? Do they both lay colored eggs?
Ameraucanas are a true breed of chicken. Easter Eggers are a mix, usually of Ameraucana and something else. Ameraucanas lay blue eggs, EE can lay any color egg, you won't know what color they will lay until you get your first one from her. :)
Are you all sure it's an Easter Egger? I mean, it is completely black and I've never seen an all black EE. Also, her legs appear t be a slate blue, making me believe she is a Black Ameraucana, but it's hard to tell...

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