Need help identifying breed


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 6, 2008
E. Washington
We bought this rooster as a chick from a group of
"assorted bantys". We thought he was a Mille Fleur at first, but as he's gotten older, he's lost his white feathers instead of getting more.

Any help would be appreciated, my daughter wants to take him to the fair, and it would be best if we knew exactly what breed he was. THANKS!

The first pics are from when he was younger, the last pic is from yesterday.



Strange... it does look Mille Fleur when young... and yet he lost all of his white?? And the black spots have changed to lacing
It's gorgeous whatever it is! Looks pretty Cochin-like.
Now that I've looked at some other pics online, he does look like a cochin bantam, but I don't think he's Mille Fleur, because he doesn't have the coloring of a Mille Fleu with the white etc.
I have heard that as the Mille Fleurs get older, their coloring gets better. Guess I'll have to wait and see.
For now, I'll write him down as a Cochin Bantam, unless someone else has a better idea. Thanks Everyone!

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