Need help Identifying duck breed


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Here is a picture of my duck claira. I was told that she was a rouen as a baby because she had the eye markings and all but now that she is 1 year old she still has the eye markings but the rest of her is plain brown. She is a heavy body duck but she doesn't match any of the descriptions of other breeds. i was wondering if someone could tell me what breed she is. Thanks!(sorry I can't find a photo of her hope the description of her is enough).
A picture would definitely help, but maybe she is some sort of hybrid since she doesn't seem to fit breed descriptions?

On the bottom picture claira is the one on the far right, these are the best photo's I could find!
After looking at kaki cambells they really matches the description of her thank you! unfortunately I can't take another picture of her at the moment I am away for now but maybe when I get back I will so we can confirm!
After looking at kaki cambells they really matches the description of her thank you! unfortunately I can't take another picture of her at the moment I am away for now but maybe when I get back I will so we can confirm!

I hope that helped, but I'm not so sure about this. Khakis aren't heavy, and the ducks will weigh only around 4 pounds when full grown. How many eggs is she laying?
Hmm. Well, that certainly sounds like KH productivity. One reason some people choose them is that they're one of the most prolific egg layers of all the domestic duck breeds. I'm still curious to hear after you get back home if you still think she's "heavy" since I've never heard of a heavy KC.
The reason I think she is heavy is because when I hold her she feels ver solid but not fat. I was wondering if they are more shy because I have two other ducks (buffs) and they are way more friendly, claira has just started to warm up to me. I could probably get you a picture tonight looks like we will be home but if it's too dark then probably tomorrow.

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