Need help identifying flower seeds..its a butterfly & hummingbird mix


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Si
11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Waco, Texas
I did a seed swap last year on BYC and this was one of the seeds I got. Its in a homemade package and the front says butterfly & hummingbird mix. I was wondering what kinds of flowers they might be. The seeds(if you could call it that) dont look like normal seeds. It looks more like some kind of candy you would get at the store. Or maybe cat litter stuff. Im not sure what they are. I was hoping someone would be able to help me out here.

Maybe I am mistaken, but perhaps the butterfly and humming bird mix are a mix of wildflowers that attract huming birds and butterflies. And what you are seeing there is packaging so the seeds don't get smashed? I would venture to guess there are probably small black seeds floating amongst the packaging?
That was my first thought too. But I didnt see any seeds mixed in with it. The stuff looks almost like rolled up paper. I know sometimes they put seeds within a sheet of paper and you just plant the sheet. So I tore one of the bigger 'seeds' apart and didnt see anything in there either. Here is another picture with it on white paper so maybe you can see it better.

ETA: Put wrong picture.

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I would say that looks exactly like carefresh bedding or yesterday's news litter. I would take a closer look at the bottom of the package, make sure everything is out of it, and then just grab a pile and plant it. The seeds are probably tiny and easily missed. Not saying you're old or anything, but my mom opened a package of seeds once and could not find the seeds. She thought perhaps it was a bad package or some how lost them all and re-sealed the envelope. Well, they were there, but tiny flat black discs that were probably half the size of poppy seeds, that had stuck to the inside corners of the package. I know viola seeds are esentially microscopic, so maybe they are sifted amongst the paper.
Yeah.. what IS that stuff? Who sent it to you?? Maybe ask them what flowers they are from..
Yeah- I think that's just filler to keep the seeds from getting damp and rotting and sticking together. When you buy the big can or bag of hummingbird mix it's mostly filler too.
Sometimes I think Im old with all the creeks and pops I get when bending and standing. But being 26 years old, I dont think can be considered old. Unless youre a teenager that is. But my eyes are not that great. So I could be missing the seeds. Im not sure what the heck that stuff is. When I was doing the seed swap I put all the envelopes in a index box and some how this one fell out of one of them. I havent found which one it came out of yet. So I cant ask the person I got it from. I think I will just plant some in a few different pots and see what happens.
It looks more like some kind of candy you would get at the store. Or maybe cat litter stuff.

I think I will just plant some in a few different pots and see what happens.

Plant it, plant it! You might sprout a 'cat-litter bush'!

Seriously though, I don't see anything that looks like a seed.


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