Need help identifying these little chicks please

The last 2 remind me of what Kalinda looked like when I got her..And she was a Sliver Laced Wyandotte..She is so loving..But don't take my word for it I'm new to having baby chicks and are just learning myself..Hope that helped some..You can google images of Sliver Laced Wyandotte clicks and that could help you..

Here is the odd chick out at two weeks old. Though you can't see it in this picture this little chick has white "ear spots".

The spots are more clear in this picture.

We love our chicks, but would really love to know what kind they are too. It's neat watching them change each day. I know that earlier someone said they thought they might be EE's. Just wondering if that was still the case. We are new to chickens and didn't know if the spots on the ears were traits of a breed or not. Also, our son keeps asking what kind of chickens he has. lol This mama doesn't have an answer just yet. Hoping that the older they get the better we will be able to tell.

Any help would be great!

Here are some more recent pictures. Still hoping to get an idea of hen/roo and maybe what breed. I keep telling my son they are mutt chickens! lol He says, "Mama, stop joking me. What are they really?" To which I respond "Chickens".

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