Need help identifying these yellow and black spotted chicks - Cackle Hatchery Surprise chicks


6 Years
May 8, 2013
Wow, been a while since I was on here. We got out of chickens for about 18 months. They were pooping in my dairy goats' water, not cool, and we didn't have a contained set-up to keep them separate and healthy. Now we have a separate area, and my son is in charge of raising them. We got a hatchery surprise order again, 60 chicks, 2 Royal Palm poults, and 2 Rouen ducklings. There are supposed to be no bantams in this order, as we have several nesting pairs of hawks within eating range of our chickens that would make a quick meal of small chickens.

I am going to go through them, and take my own guesses, but this batch in particular is stumping me. They have greenish-blackish legs and straight combs.

I looked back at pictures of the chicks we got with the last surprise batch, and I am pretty sure these are Lakenvelder chicks. We had one with that same set of dots on the head, and it turned out to be a Lakenvelder hen.
Nice looking chicks! They are so pretty!
I think I received one of these in a surprise mix from Meyer and she (I'm still not sure but we'll go with that!) has had me stumped for a while now! She's almost six weeks now, but here are a few photos from along the way. The "brand new chick" picture is when she was pretty lethargic post-journey, so it's not as clear as yours! Do you think this is the same breed? I think I also had Silver Spangled Hamburg, Legbar and EE on my list of "possibles". If she is what you have (and especially now that she is feathering in so much, Lakenvelder seems like a good bet), here is what the journey may look like :) :

Fresh out of the box:

A day or so after arrival:

A few days after arrival (chick on the right):

This is a weird view but you can see her legs starting to turn color (they did not start out dark):

Almost three weeks:

About a month old:

And the most recent one I have, at about 5+ weeks:


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