Wow, been a while since I was on here. We got out of chickens for about 18 months. They were pooping in my dairy goats' water, not cool, and we didn't have a contained set-up to keep them separate and healthy. Now we have a separate area, and my son is in charge of raising them. We got a hatchery surprise order again, 60 chicks, 2 Royal Palm poults, and 2 Rouen ducklings. There are supposed to be no bantams in this order, as we have several nesting pairs of hawks within eating range of our chickens that would make a quick meal of small chickens.
I am going to go through them, and take my own guesses, but this batch in particular is stumping me. They have greenish-blackish legs and straight combs.

I am going to go through them, and take my own guesses, but this batch in particular is stumping me. They have greenish-blackish legs and straight combs.