Need help ID'ing one more type of chicken

chick on a stick

In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 19, 2011
We got an assortment of pullet chicks from Atwoods. I have almost identified all the types except one. What is this one?


I could be wrong, but I don't think they are EEs. They don't have green legs, and they have single combs.....

I don't have a guess as to what they could be though!
Looks like either OEG or Speckeled Sussex....I have had both and they look IDENTICAL as chicks...also The LESS COMMON Ameican Gamefowl is a possibility......
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I have a bird who is half or possibly only quarter EE. She has a single comb, but lays green eggs. So it's not unthinkable that this kid is at least part EE. Certainly a lot of our EEs had wildtype coloration like that one, but so do BBR Games and brown Leghorns (these two have single combs), and probably other breeds as well. I doubt it's speckled Sussex, at least based on what ours looked like: ours were dark red-brown above and yellow below, while this chick is classic wildtype. I wouldn't expect that much yellow on the face of a speckled Sussex . . . but of course, strains do vary, and I could be wrong!

This may be one of those birds where it's hard to tell until it feathers out more.

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