Need help. Lump on throat low weight wet spot Ameraucana Puny sick chick


6 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Ozark Alabama
I have an Ameraucana that is sick. This is Jessica she has a strange looking soft pouch thing under her lower beak. Her lower beak is too small but she eats wet food with no problem (fermented). She is half the size and weight of here flock mates. All the others are healthy. And of course she had to be the sweetest chick out of the bunch. Any help would be appreciated

The spot under her neck has always stayed damp but I guess thats from her drinking.

Born August 7th 2014
Received 15 chicks, 4 fell over dead after 4 weeks and one has scissor beak but is fat and happy
She has great appetite
She is not lethargic
She has puny legs
She is half the weight of others

Sorry, no help here just a question. Where did you get them that 2 of 15 (14%) had odd issues with beaks? Seems strange that you had beak problems with different birds.
Sorry, no help here just a question. Where did you get them that 2 of 15 (14%) had odd issues with beaks? Seems strange that you had beak problems with different birds.

They came from Taylor Hobby Farms in Ga. I contacted the breeder and she was nice about it but offered no reason or solutions. This his her sibling with the scissor beak. Its sad that so many had problems. Luckily the others seem real healthy. I see so many bad things in my day job that I don't have the heart to cull unless suffering is involved, we have quite a collection of deformed birds around here.

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