
9 Years
Feb 2, 2010
Gainesboro, TN
One of my cochin bantams is having a lot of trouble walking. His legs are straight out in front of him and he can't get up. Is there anything I can do for him?!
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I don't know about this, but you should repost in emergency because you are under hatching and put bantam not walking instead of just help. Also the people who can help are going to need more information so read the sticky in that category about what happened, when, symptoms, poop, diet etc.
Good luck
It could be Marek's disease or caused by a dip into moldy food. It COULD be spraddle leg if it is a very young chick, less than 3-4 weeks or so. Many variables, though.

Please PM a moderator or administrator to move this to Emergencies, etc. and change the title to a more accurate one. You'll get a lot more help that way.

The link below is the one to the questions you could try to answer to give more info.

Hopefully we can come up with an answer!
Could be spraddle then. Do a search, top right for "spraddle leg". There will be a thread about how to use bandaids to fix it.

They are really prone to it when on a slippery surface like newspaper. Check it out, see what you can do.

And as has been said twice now, you will get a lot more info if you ask to have the thread moved to the proper part of the forum.
It's spraddle legs. I did the band aid thing. Hopefully will work. I figured this forum dealt with newly hatched chicks better than the others which is why I posted here.
Hi I just had a day old bantam chick with it, I got a small 210g salmon tin and lined it with tissue paper and I would keep putting it in it every so often, so it would have to push up to get out of the tin after about 8 hrs it was running around with the other chicks as normal as them all.
THANKS TO EVERYONE THAT HELPED.......this am he's running around with the rest of them I think I'm going to keep the bandaid on for awhile longer

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