Need Help Please...


5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
I have a 2 to 3 month pekin duck having seizures. yesterday it had a couple to where he was running into walls and and walking on his side and neck all bent up. today hes having then about every 15 mintues, one was so bad I thought he died in my hands. I don't know what to do were new to owning a duck we have only had him a week today. we feed cracked corn from the feed store he has a pool and we fed him( Mr Wiggles) some lettuce today. Please any help would be so helpful to our family .
I can't say what exactly to do, but I can say I've been there :( my call duck Daphne had seizures. One day my kids got crazy and my hubby had to leave her in the pool with her siblings for just a few minutes(I was working) and she had a seizure in the water and drowned. As far as I know, its common, sadly, for ducks to have a brain problem, but I don't believe anything can really be done:( go to a vet, that's your best bet.
Brewer's yeast is good, too, a tablespoon a day in the food. Or crush up a B complex vitamin and using the B3 (niacin) amount in the vitamin, add 100 to 150 mg of niacin to a gallon of drinking water. Keep the extra water in the frij it should be good for a few days. You can also use plain niacin - not timed release - in water at that rate.

If you have any unsalted sardines in water only, no oil or broth, a teaspoon of smashed up sardine in a little water if the duckling has had a tiny bit of chick grit each day for a couple of days.

Or you could put it in a blender and liquify the sardine in water and let the duckling drink that - for niacin.

At least until you can get brewer's yeast or B complex or plain niacin.

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