Need help QUICK!!!me.

I can see moment occasionally in the pipped hole as well as peeping. I don't know what the humidity is, I do not have a humidity therometer...yikes. I am new at this, now i feel terrible that I may have the humidity wrong. I am beating myself up over it. It is a still air incubator and there is water in the bottom reservoir.
There should be two or three water wells, if all of them are full you're probably high enough. Are the windows fogging at tall? Even just slightly?

If the humidity isn't high enough the inner membrane will dry and shrink around the chick till it can't move. Then it dies. If you don't have as much water in there as the wells can hold, the membrane is probably drying out. Is taking the incubator into the bathroom an option? You could turn the shower on hot, steam up the room, and take the egg out and look at it. While you're in there put more water in the wells.
When you look at the egg, you'll see the outer membrane just under the shell. It's much thicker than the inner membrane and it should be paper-white with a texture like very thin rubber. The inner membrane should be very soft, pliable, and clear with some veins running through it. If the inner membrane is paper-white, that means it's really dry and you need to moisten it right away. Carefully chip away the shell until you can insert a Q-tip dipped in warm water in there and swab the membrane till it turns clear again. Then pop it back in the bator and fill up all your wells. You can soak a maxi pad in water and put it in there, too.
I think I would wait until morning before picking at his shell. More than likely they will be out by then. It takes a lot of work to get out of that shell and they take a lot of breaks. Most of the time you do more harm than good when you try to help.
OK...I ran the shower hot and got the bathroom all steamed up....then opened the incubator and added water, it was kind of low. When doing that I inspected the eggs a bit. I think that one is dead for sure. The pipped hole had a small piece of egg attached and it was all sticky hard coated and stuck on, crusted over. So sad.
The other 2 that have pipped were chirping and moving some. They had the pipped hole and a membrane still there where the small piece of egg had been chipped away...???
If one already dried out I can guarantee you that the others are drying out, too. Once the membrane is actually dry it needs to be moistened manually. Quickly. Got any Q-tips?
Yes I have q tips. In the last 10 min since I did the shower thing 3 more eggs have pipped!!! Should I just leave them be???
The membrane looks whit on one of them and white with some yellowish on the other one.
OH GOD PLEASE let these lil guys do OK!!!
Movement and pipping is a good sign ......
On day 18, fill all the reservoirs and put in the plugs in the top. Most still airs will go up to 60-70% easily. It will raise some too once chicks start pipping.

I use still air incubators also. An LG & (my second) Hovabator.
The inner membrane is white, or the outer? If it's the inner, you can moisten it with a Q-tip. If you've got a spray bottle you can mist the inside of the bator with warm water to raise the humidity as fast as possible.

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