Need help solving mystery quickly!

When feed consumption is good or high and you have weight loss, drop in egg production it's a good indicator you have works or other parasites. If you cannot get a wormer feed pumpkin seeds, garlic, Bragg's or other unprocessed ACV with "mother" in it. Nasturtium flowers and seeds can be used too. Some do not take to garlic just peel clove and place in waterer. Some of mine love pumpkin seeds some won't touch em with 10ft pole, for those that won't I put in food processor and mix in feed. You can also feed DE in food. Make sure it's food grade tho.
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At the age and stage of your birds, with no other health signs, it is almost assuredly a worm or external parasite overload. Loss of egg laying, in an otherwise healthy bird, is usually a parasite overload, either external or internal.

You may have to do some night time investigation to see if it could possibly be Red Roost mites which come out at night from the coop to feed on the birds. Northern Fowl Mite generally live on the bird and look like scurrying pepper flakes at the vent. Either can leave them very anemic.

The only way you can rule out internal worms is a fecal float, which many vets will do for you. You generally won't see the worms in the poop unless it is a very heavy overload. It could also be tapes, which leave very little sign.

@PD-Riverman had a very similar situation with his large flock, in the south type area you live. His problem turned out to be a very heavy infestation of tape worms.

It is possible you are witnessing Egg Drop Syndrome, which is a virus, but that doesn't produce death, just loss in production.

But for having a flock at 2 years of age, if you haven't treated for parasites yet, it is almost assuredly part of the problem if not all.

Ok if I worm them, apparently the only wormer on the market available to us backyard farmers is Wazine- “piperazine not to be used in egg producing chickens” now what
When feed consumption is good or high and you have weight loss, drop in egg production it's a good indicator you have works or other parasites. If you cannot get a wormer feed pumpkin seeds, garlic, Bragg's or other unprocessed ACV with "mother" in it. Nasturtium flowers and seeds can be used too. Some do not take to garlic just peel clove and place in waterer. Some of mine love pumpkin seeds some won't touch em with 10ft pole, for those that won't I put in food processor and mix in feed. You can also feed DE in food. Make sure it's food grade tho.
Thanks Tom a! I’ll try these . What is “mother”

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