Need help to sexing this black copper maran


In the Brooder
Aug 13, 2019
I got four 7 weeks Black Bopper Maran this week, but not sure the gender of one, it has pink comb and wattles which looks different from other three, it doesn't hold its tail up or show male behavior, it seems also larger than other three.


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Black Copper Marans can be confusing when sexing. Females start to show comb and wattles just as early as the males, but the males will always have a darker color to them.

Males also tend to be bigger than females, by at least a few oz. Mine started showing their genders by as early as four weeks.

This is one of my boys at four weeks:

And one of my girls:

Here’s one of the boys at 11 weeks:

So wattles and comb don’t actually mean male in this case. Yours I think is actually female. My males have larger wattles and comb by that point.
I got this 7 weeks Black Bopper Maran this week, but not sure the gender, it has pink comb and wattles but other than that I don't see roo signs yet, it doesn't hold its tail up or show male behavior, also seems no copper color showed on the neck.

Need more pictures- specifically of the lower neck feathers, back feathers around their tail and their body composition as well as the legs. Also if you have others from the same hatch to compare with that is super helpful. That said, my guess is cockerel at this point.
Need more pictures- specifically of the lower neck feathers, back feathers around their tail and their body composition as well as the legs. Also if you have others from the same hatch to compare with that is super helpful. That said, my guess is cockerel at this point.
Will get more pics, so far still looks all black.
It's more the shape and look of hackle and saddle feathers than the color that people look at to sex. Though, as stated, these guys are a bit different than sexing others. Looking forward to more pics!:clap

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