Need help trouble shooting pullet weight loss

Thank you so much for all your feedback. I’m encouraged. I switched feed, wormed, gave fuvilic and humic acid and supplemented vitamins to correct for absorption issues.
I have a call into the state testing lab and will see if they can do a PCR test while he is alive.

Praying it is just a genetic issue and I can let this line of BCM live out their days as layers - not breeders.
My gutt says it’s genetic because we don’t have others with MS symptoms and the pullets seem to have a slight narrowing of the same exact hock. Like they all inherited it but he got bad because he isnt absorbing nutrients/feed got old/stress from joining flock/got worms/???

The first roo that got it could have been swollen because I splinted him 🥺 he was culled.

I will post the results of the tests.

I believe MS and MG are tested at NPIP.
Sadly hatching eggs or even day old chicks can be infected with with mycoplasma.
I thought I was practicing great biosecurity but this scare had made me realize that even hatching eggs can be an issue.
Ask the breeder what the NPIP testing is "required" for qualification in your state or your state should have that listed. Most NPIP do not require testing for MG/MS, it's usually Pullorum, Salmonella and Avian Influenza.

I agree, I would not use that breeder anymore. It does sound like this may be a genetic problem instead of MS/MG since the breeder is acknowledging past leg issues. But getting the testing will give you the information you need to move forward.

Let us know what you find out.

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