Need Help With a Sweet Bantam Frizzle


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2017
My sweet bantam frizzle was getting over mounted by my two Silkie Roos. I separated her for a while and she was doing great but most of her feathers didn’t grow back. We finally let her back with her flock - she let us know she was ready. The mounting has started again and she’s getting more feather loss and her skin is getting cut up because she has no protection. Her skin is dry and her feathers are rough. She does not want to be alone, so I’ve come to terms with re homing her. But what can I do for her in the meantime to help her heal and help her feathers grow back. She manages to get all hen aprons off and i don’t know what to do with her neck and head. She’s precious, very human friendly, and lays a beautiful egg a day. But right now she has a face only a mother could love, and I’m worried for her.


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Greetings piperandpetunia,

I have the same issue, and I only have one rooster and 8 hens. It's Spring, and all most roosters want to do, is mate. Some roosters will mate the hens at the bottom of the pecking order. My rooster, he is amorous towards all the hens, even my old girls!

I have saddles on five of the hens, but they still need a break from him. So, for the last six weeks, he has been ousted. Every morning, I put him out of the pen immediately. I set up a little feeder and waterer in the garage for him. He spends the day hanging out with the dog and cats. At 5 p.m., he switches places with the girls. They come out to forage for a couple of hours, and he goes into the pen. When the girls are ready to go back into the coop, the rooster is put into an adjoining pen. After all the girls have perched, then, he is released to go into the coop.

I also have a rooster pen, where I used to raise just roosters. I also have the option of putting him in there when I want to.

I don't do this all year, just in the Fall and the Spring. The rest of the time he is pretty mellow.

When you choose to keep roosters, you will have to manage them. Sometimes you need more hens, and sometimes you need more pens.

If you can't do either, put the roosters out to forage for the day. As long as the yard is secure, and they are reasonably safe. The hen should not be the one to be put out. When you re-home her, they will eventually focus on another hen or hens, and you'll have the same issue. They are just being roosters, after all.

Also, the hen needs a saddle with straps that crisscross in front, so she can't get out of it.


These are my thoughts on your rooster issues. I hope they are helpful.

God Bless :)

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