Need help with diagnosis


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 23, 2012
North Idaho
We have throughout the summer brought in several more birds.maybe 20 in all. We finally fond the rooster we were looking for. And then we brought in 10 hens. 4 cinnamon queens and 6 that look like bard rock but a bit smaller. Several we're in molt but appeared healthy. Then last week one of our originals started declining. She looked like she was not eating. ( I knew she was near 5 years old and had tried to go off and make a nest in the grass this summer but none hatched. She was a little depressed for about a month but go back to flock life fine. ) She could barely get around. Then one day my son gave her some bread and she ate eagerly and was looking better for a few days then last night she passed. Now one of our Americans is going through the same cycle. Can't get up to eat but will set next to the bowl of scratch if we get her some. These birds are free range most of the time but with all the rain have chosen to stay close the the coop if not in it for the last couple weeks. I really love my Americans and don't want to loose one right after the next. They do have mighty, or lice I honestly don't know the difference. We have dusted with diatomaceous earth but that did not fix it. As for what they eat... All sorts of produce that goes to the mulch. And chicken scratch... Same we have always used. And bad bread. We just put straw in the floor of the coop cuz it's dirt . To keep it warmer and dry just in. Case the rain got it. So far it has not. I think that's all the info, if more is needed please ask. They need best of care and I'm not sure we're we are failing.
Thanks for any help.
Could you tell more about their laying habits and things. There are a number of diseases that can affect them the way you are saying. I want to help but if you could tell me a normal day of the chicken that died and the one that is sick I will try to help.
Not laying right now. Someone suggested they are starving. We don't feed grit... But they are free range. So? Well for the near two weeks they were staying in. I realized the other day the banties were getting themselves out and did not care about the rain so we let the big girls out and they were really happy. Have not lost any others and all seem fine. Just not sure at all what is going on. Can we not assume a healthy diet is being consumed by ranging? I need a low cost... At least cost effective means of rearing my birds. In other words it makes no since to buy all sorts of stuff for them if they are going to only eat and not give back. When it's time to rear a cluch or flock of babies what ever that's called they seem to lay all numbers of eggs... But we get very few. (They tend to lay in a chosen way off spot, not in the coop.
We have throughout the summer brought in several more birds.maybe 20 in all. We finally fond the rooster we were looking for. And then we brought in 10 hens. 4 cinnamon queens and 6 that look like bard rock but a bit smaller. Several we're in molt but appeared healthy. Then last week one of our originals started declining. She looked like she was not eating. ( I knew she was near 5 years old and had tried to go off and make a nest in the grass this summer but none hatched. She was a little depressed for about a month but go back to flock life fine. ) She could barely get around. Then one day my son gave her some bread and she ate eagerly and was looking better for a few days then last night she passed. Now one of our Americans is going through the same cycle. Can't get up to eat but will set next to the bowl of scratch if we get her some. These birds are free range most of the time but with all the rain have chosen to stay close the the coop if not in it for the last couple weeks. I really love my Americans and don't want to loose one right after the next. They do have mighty, or lice I honestly don't know the difference. We have dusted with diatomaceous earth but that did not fix it. As for what they eat... All sorts of produce that goes to the mulch. And chicken scratch... Same we have always used. And bad bread. We just put straw in the floor of the coop cuz it's dirt . To keep it warmer and dry just in. Case the rain got it. So far it has not. I think that's all the info, if more is needed please ask. They need best of care and I'm not sure we're we are failing.
Thanks for any help.
DE (diatomaceous earth) does not work! Use poultry dust. Scratch is fine in moderation, but they need protein, so you should feed them lay crumbles or pellets. Bad bread? With mold on it? Chickens should not eat anything that's spoiled or anything with mold.
I would also get rid of that straw its a perfect spot for lice/mites to live its hollow. Try pine shavings. (Not cedar)
I don't mind spending.... But they don't lay in winter anyway, so why not feed the scratch and scraps? The flock will be moved into their new abode in about a week and will not need bedding it will be warm and dry and a dream. Their run will be larger and a bit more plush vegetation wise. Even some trees for the banties to perch in within the run. Sevens dust... I'll look it up I hear its natural ... Is this correct? Why does de not work? We used to use it years ago for all the animals and their feed. I worked then. My goal is to raise them as naturally as possible. What on earth did the families in the depression era do for feed? Are we not well on our way to that life now? How can anyone justify $50+ in feed a month and no to near no eggs through the winter? In the longer days yes they got layer crumble. And free range during the day. We got our eggs but I still say not enough to cover feed cost. How does this balance out?
I don't mind spending.... But they don't lay in winter anyway, so why not feed the scratch and scraps? The flock will be moved into their new abode in about a week and will not need bedding it will be warm and dry and a dream. Their run will be larger and a bit more plush vegetation wise. Even some trees for the banties to perch in within the run. Sevens dust... I'll look it up I hear its natural ... Is this correct? Why does de not work? We used to use it years ago for all the animals and their feed. I worked then. My goal is to raise them as naturally as possible. What on earth did the families in the depression era do for feed? Are we not well on our way to that life now? How can anyone justify $50+ in feed a month and no to near no eggs through the winter? In the longer days yes they got layer crumble. And free range during the day. We got our eggs but I still say not enough to cover feed cost. How does this balance out?

It most often doesn't balance out, when measuring the economics. Mostly, because we don't produce our own feeds, as my grandparents did during the depression. Or, make our own medicines, as they also did (despite working, many had very dangerous ingredients). There are many things we can do to improve our pastures, so as to obtain far higher yields. We can rotate our crops and our livestock in ways that maximize productivity, and minimize investment. We can even raise our own insects, so as to provide additional protein and essential amino acids, and raise vegetables that are higher in sulpher content to boost their immune systems, and process the grains in various ways, and plant crops that produce greens well into winter ... but, during such horribly difficult times, they worked many more hours per day to obtain far less than life required, and took care of their children and their animals first, because they knew the same answer others have given:

Your chickens must have what they need, in order to give you what you want.

You can obtain some things that are not fit for human consumption, but would still be great for your chickens. But, never because it's spoiled. Or, has been infested. Sure, you'll save a few dollar that day. But, you'll have chickens that are of poor quality, and have weakened immune systems, and all manner of infections. Which cost you more: The supplemental feed and the medications, or the failure to produce any weight gain, or many eggs of good quality, and you suffer the double-digit mortality rates that occur when flocks are not in good and proper condition?

When I was little, everything on our tables (save for the most basic of staple goods) came from the combined labors of our family, and God's kind blessings ... the work was hard, but the times were among our happiest ever. This time around? I'll be lucky if my first dozen eggs doesn't cost me $50 per egg ... let alone, per month ~'-)

My little brother has developed relationships with local produce departments and restaurants, so as to get what he the prepares for his many different birds. And, I've helped raise insects for him as well, so as to further reduce his costs. We've tried sprouted grains, and many other small experiments, in the hopes of making it more cost effective. And, mostly (so far as my farming in this century goes) for the plain ol' fun of it ... I enjoy the work, and the challenges of it all ... if I didn't? I'd surely just buy my eggs from somebody that did.
I don't mind spending.... But they don't lay in winter anyway, so why not feed the scratch and scraps? The flock will be moved into their new abode in about a week and will not need bedding it will be warm and dry and a dream. Their run will be larger and a bit more plush vegetation wise. Even some trees for the banties to perch in within the run. Sevens dust... I'll look it up I hear its natural ... Is this correct? Why does de not work? We used to use it years ago for all the animals and their feed. I worked then. My goal is to raise them as naturally as possible. What on earth did the families in the depression era do for feed? Are we not well on our way to that life now? How can anyone justify $50+ in feed a month and no to near no eggs through the winter? In the longer days yes they got layer crumble. And free range during the day. We got our eggs but I still say not enough to cover feed cost. How does this balance out?
Have you tried a light in their coop? Chickens need somewhere around 14 hrs. of light to produce eggs. As for the feed, if you give them a quality layer ration, they will get most if not all of their requirements in smaller amounts of food. My layers are the cheapest to raise out of all of my birds.
My birds lay eggs all year round. I'm not saying everyone gives an eggs everyday but I get eggs everyday winter, spring, summer, fall. They free range but have 24/7 layer pellets in their coop. They also get scraps at night, if there is any. They never ever get anything moldy or bad, if I won't eat it I won't give it to them. They do get grass/bugs and all that good stuff but still need a supplement. I use shavings on the floor of the coop keeps everything dry and for easy clean up with a pooper scooper. Hay (not straw) in their nesting boxes. they have water inside and outside in warm weather. They have lights come on at dusk off in two hours. They have windows in the coop so its light in there until its not. We use Sevin 5 dust works great yes it is natural. When winter comes you will have to give the grit and don't forget the oyster shells. You have to give a little to get a little. Good luck

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