Need help with figuring sex of White Leghorn ~6 weeks old


7 Years
Jun 25, 2012
Picked up 4 chicks this May, all were supposed to be pullets but im becoming suspicious of our White leghorn. S/he has a larger comb compared to the others, and also has a somewhat more proud walk. Theyre about 6 weeks old.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Picked up 4 chicks this May, all were supposed to be pullets but im becoming suspicious of our White leghorn. S/he has a larger comb compared to the others, and also has a somewhat more proud walk. Theyre about 6 weeks old.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hi Smokeyoaky!
Hmm...I'm not sure whether that's a pullet or a cockerel. I was going to say pullet since it's not very red and it's a leghorn (who often have big, floppy combs in adulthood) but then I saw you said they were only six weeks old, so it might be a cockerel.... Do you have a full-body picture you could post?
Thank you very much for the warm welcome. Sure thing here are a few full-body pictures. Thanks for you help.
Your chick looks more like a white rock to me. Leghorns are typically more slender, white rocks are more chunky.
Your chick looks more like a white rock to me. Leghorns are typically more slender, white rocks are more chunky.

Yes, I think you may be right. If it is a white rock, it's *probably* a cockerel....

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