Need help with necropsy resources pls


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 24, 2012
Hi there. I did a search for 'necropsy' to try and find the answer to my question, but so many of them talked about pictures within, I couldn't bring myself to click on the threads. So I'm sorry if I'm asking something that's already been asked :(

One of our favorite hen was found suddenly dead this evening. This is my first loss that wasn't to heat or predator so I'm a little stunned. I know I've read somewhere before that states offer free or low cost necropsy services thru their extension programs, etc. but I can't remember where I read this info. I should get a necropsy, right? Can you help me find how to access this service? I'm in MO. Is this something that I just drop the chicken off at the vet or do I need to drive the chicken to the state capitol? Is it okay to freeze her or do I only want to refridgerate her? TIA
I read that you should call the state veterinarian or contact your county extension agent. You should be able to find the contact info. online.

There is a specific requirement as to how the body is handled and thus you need to look it up right away. The website may tell you whether to refrigerate or not (I don't know- sorry).
Yeah, the fact that this is Saturday night is horrible b/c I can't call anyone. I'm searching the internet, but I must be stupid because I can't find the answer to my question about how to store the body, or where to take it and how much it is. :(
Hi there. I did a search for 'necropsy' to try and find the answer to my question, but so many of them talked about pictures within, I couldn't bring myself to click on the threads. So I'm sorry if I'm asking something that's already been asked

One of our favorite hen was found suddenly dead this evening. This is my first loss that wasn't to heat or predator so I'm a little stunned. I know I've read somewhere before that states offer free or low cost necropsy services thru their extension programs, etc. but I can't remember where I read this info. I should get a necropsy, right? Can you help me find how to access this service? I'm in MO. Is this something that I just drop the chicken off at the vet or do I need to drive the chicken to the state capitol? Is it okay to freeze her or do I only want to refridgerate her? TIA
My condolences on your girl,very heartbreaking when a pet dies. You need to double or triple bag your girl,has to be refrigerated,DO NOT FREEZE.

If it was not heat related,could have been egg bound,egg peritonitis or even ovarian cancer. She had no symptoms?
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Thank you all for your help. Yes, it's never easy to lose a bird, but this one is extra special because 1) she was the sweetest thing 2) she was so pretty (gold laced wyandotte 3) she was my 5yo's favorite and 4) when we had a predator break in the coop a couple of years back, we thought she got dragged away. Two days later I found her about a block away...she was our miracle Millie!

She had absolutely no symptoms at all. Only thing out of the ordinary was that her nails had been growing a bit long but I cut those back and she seemed fine. Tonight's find was completely unexpected.

I'm comforted by the fact that if it was something highly contagious, it would probably have more symptoms right? She was three years old.
Thank you all for your help. Yes, it's never easy to lose a bird, but this one is extra special because 1) she was the sweetest thing 2) she was so pretty (gold laced wyandotte 3) she was my 5yo's favorite and 4) when we had a predator break in the coop a couple of years back, we thought she got dragged away. Two days later I found her about a block away...she was our miracle Millie!

She had absolutely no symptoms at all. Only thing out of the ordinary was that her nails had been growing a bit long but I cut those back and she seemed fine. Tonight's find was completely unexpected.

I'm comforted by the fact that if it was something highly contagious, it would probably have more symptoms right? She was three years old.
i would think if it is something contagious that,yes there would be some symptoms. My first guess was initially heat related,with heat stress/stroke they can die very fast,chickens just collapse and die. With egg peritonitis and ovarian cancer there is usually symptoms,swollen abdomen,not eating,lethargic,discharge from vent,etc. Unfortunately sometimes they just die on us and we are left grieving and wondering why. It is so difficult to understand what happened when our girls/boys seem in perfect health. Chickens do hide any illness,they can withstand incredible amounts of pain,making diagnoses of illness very difficult. I understand how you feel,i love all my chickens,just like i do my cats/dogs. My girls/boys act like small children,when upset they come running to me,they constantly want to be held and yes they even love to be kissed/hugged. I refer to myself as "mommy" when talking to them,they are so much more than chickens to me..

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