need help with these chickens


6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
This is our first time owning chicks we got 5 chicks from our farm store all from the pullet pens two are rhode island reds and three we got from the "rainbow layers" pen anyone know what breed they are and I think this one may be a rooster and not a hen

this one had red on her chest and is mostly all black the flash

The little black one here is it a rooster or hen?? it looks similar to the first chicken only
this one has white on the tips of its feathers under its wings

this little yellow one is Banana Split and i dont know what breed she is

this is the same black one as in picture #2 you can just see a hint of its white above the hand in the left of the picture
is this a different breed than chick in picture number 1
I could be very wrong, but I'm guessing Buff Orpington and Black Sex Link. Some of my BSL had white spots under their chins like that and they also started getting red feathers.
i kinda figured the yellow one was its these two black ones that have me stumped at first i thought they might be the same breed but now i am worried they are the same breed and i have a rooster and a pullet and i dont want a rooster
The one with red on the chest looks to be a black sex-link. And the other looks to be either a black australorp or sex-link also but im leaning more on australorp.
i kinda figured the yellow one was its these two black ones that have me stumped at first i thought they might be the same breed but now i am worried they are the same breed and i have a rooster and a pullet and i dont want a rooster
The first picture looks like my black sex link or black star. I am a newbie so that would be my guess. If it is indeed a black sex link then I would guess pullet, but not sure about the redness in the comb and waddles. Looks a little red... which has me a bit stumped.
I would also say they are both hens. The one with red should have been black with a little white on the tips of the wings, under the chin, and underneath the belly. The other one should have been black with yellow as a chick.

this is my sex-link as a chick

this is my australorp as a chick

this is the sex-link now at about 4 weeks- you can see the red coming through on the neck

this is the australorp now at about a week and half- she will be solid black

My Black Australorp chicks had a lot of white on their faces and bellies, and they some did get a little white on the tips of the wings when the feathers started to come in, so that is a possibility. If they are both in fact sex links, they should both be pullets. I think the males have a white spot on the top of the head, like a barred rock, and the females are all black or black with white on the belly and/or chin/neck area.

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