My duck can't walk or stand.whats the problem??..NEED HELP asap!

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eltorres... how is your duck doing? the thread you started has kinda been hijacked with debate. I would really like to know if your duck is better.
Omg yes I know!!..but anyways he's sooo much better. He can stand now. And is learning how to walk.i put him in his pool so he can exercise on his legs and it's working really one happy owner... he's almost getting there. I found out why he was like that it was because his other siblings where getting at him and fighting him(there's 4 of them) and that's what made him lose balance on his right leg. I seen that there was a scab on his leg and I'm like what the I did a testing on his siblings( I have him separated from there for now till he gets better) and I went to put my duck in the yard to make him walk around and the next thing you know my other 4 ducks came after him and started pecking at him so hard and was just fighting with him:( (trust me it wasn't no love). So i was like oh my gosh thats what happened my ducks were the one who made him like that cuz they were peking at the same spot on his leg in his wing and the tip of the bone of his leg...soo yeah glad to find out what it was:)... Thanks for asking:)
Omg yes I know!!..but anyways he's sooo much better. He can stand now. And is learning how to walk.i put him in his pool so he can exercise on his legs and it's working really one happy owner... he's almost getting there. I found out why he was like that it was because his other siblings where getting at him and fighting him(there's 4 of them) and that's what made him lose balance on his right leg. I seen that there was a scab on his leg and I'm like what the I did a testing on his siblings( I have him separated from there for now till he gets better) and I went to put my duck in the yard to make him walk around and the next thing you know my other 4 ducks came after him and started pecking at him so hard and was just fighting with him:( (trust me it wasn't no love). So i was like oh my gosh thats what happened my ducks were the one who made him like that cuz they were peking at the same spot on his leg in his wing and the tip of the bone of his leg...soo yeah glad to find out what it was:)... Thanks for asking:)
Were you able to some better food?
Yes I have switched to the food that my ducks are supposed to be eating and I'm sticking to that! If y'all didn't read my other message than here ya go again . The only reason why I bought the food I bought for them(which I know wasn't good) was because the store i go to didn't have the Purina food I've been giving them from the start and i didnt wanna come back home with anything and have them starving. And yes that's the only store that sells duck food where I live.( and the stores here don't do shipping to where the ranch I live at , it's kinda hard to explain so yeah, in case you guys where wondering why I don't just go online)...And like I said I only go into the city once a week. I live 3 hours away from the stores and only have one vehicle which my dad uses most of the time. So I only have Fridays to go out and get what I need to go get. I live in the back roads of a big nice area at a ranch:) My other ducks were doing just fine with the food i know wasn't good for them. The only problem was my ducks leg. So there ya go!
Oh I understand. I’m technically in service areas for usps but still have difficulty getting some deliveries.
Before: He couldn't stand nor walk and always was laying on his left side. And he couldn't open his feet they were always sticking together and his leg was always out too(doesnt seem normal) because of the pain he had on that side as you can see in the picture.
After: He can now stand and lay right and also walks a few steps he literally runs he hardly walks lol because he knows that if he walks he'll lose his balance so he runs to avoid that hahaha and his feet are back to normal and his leg is so much better. I couldn't get him standing ,every time I'd wanna take a picture he lays down lol but he's getting there to recovery:) The vitamins are working well and the exercise in his pool to get his leg better is working perfectly fine. The pool excerise is what gets him going.It helps him learn to balance himself up again as you guys know haha... beyond happy:)Theres an update you guys been waiting for!! :)

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