Need Help


7 Years
May 29, 2012
My wife and I both want to get some chickens but we live in the city. So I'm looking for some plans for a small coop for four to five chickens, If anybody could help me out it would be awesome. Thanks
it's best to cater your coop to your backyard, your family, the chickens you have/want, etc. 2 years ago when I was in this situation, I must have looked at several hundred designs, and ended up repurposing an old dog run for $60. I highly recommend the Coop Section here on BYC and also You don't have to be too fancy. Just functional, and attractive enough for your taste and your neighbor's tolerance. Also keep in mind small side yards and creative chicken tractors. Good luck!
Hi Coloradonative! We have 5 chicks (3 Golden Sex Links and 2 Bantams) here is the coop we picked:

Ordered it on line from I kept stressing out that it would not be big enough for our 5, but it is perfect. They only go in at night to sleep so they don't need that much room. My DH took out the window and covered it with hardware cloth, and we put more secure locks on, but the girls are very pleased with it and the are safe.

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