Need ideas - compost / DIY related

I’ve had piles of straight horse manure before and they were absolutely chock full of worms! The good kind I think. Even though it didn’t officially compost, being turned into worm castings is a pretty worthy endeavor. I couldn’t say whether the biomass was infested with nasty pathogens or not.
I had one lovely pile I tended all winter. Scraped horse and cow poop and had visions of spreading it and how much it would improve my garden. One day I went out to feed and it was gone!!! I laugh about it now but I was just crushed! And pissed! Really really pissed! :lau
Did it just melt? Worms steal it? Reminds me of a lady I worked with that had tulips in front of her house and she swore they were getting shorter every day... Finally she went out there and tugged on one, apparently chipmunks had tunneled under them and were eating them from the bottom up and pulling them into the ground!
Did it just melt? Worms steal it? Reminds me of a lady I worked with that had tulips in front of her house and she swore they were getting shorter every day... Finally she went out there and tugged on one, apparently chipmunks had tunneled under them and were eating them from the bottom up and pulling them into the ground!
It was stolen! I couldn’t believe my eyes!

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