Need ideas for a peacock coop

peacock teen

In the Brooder
Oct 2, 2016
I love peacock and am making a new big coop, due to neighbors cant have free range, but i would love if you posted a picture of your peacocks place:)
I tried to post an outisde pic but my phone is not cooperating today.
Either way, what I've built and am in the process of finishing is a 13' x 12' floored shed with the South-East side of the roof in sheet steel roofing and the North-West side in transparent acrylic sheet roofing (that lets a fair amount of light in without letting the shed get too hot in summer). The outside is an enclosed aviary approximately 16' x 40'. The supports are 3/4 inch steel wiring conduit with chicken wire as the barrier.

The main idea was to have plenty of perches and room to run around in. When it's all done I intend to have 8 to 10 peafowl.
I have 5 now, all between 3 and 4 months old.

Here's 4 of them:
Birdrain92 is that a baby next to your Indian blues, so cute, thanks for any ideas guys your very helpful.
Birdrain92 I live in Mallorca, Spain. I recently bought a resort I am planning to keep Ducks, Swans, Horses, Birds, Pigs, chicken, Rabbits, Pigeons, pheasant and now planning to have a peacock. Appreciate if you can share the size of your peacock coop!!

I am planning to construct 10 M Length, 6 M Hight and 30 M run for 6 Indian Blue and 6 White peacocks is this size ok what youthink? Please advice. I will let out after they get used to people.
Depending on your male:female ratio that should be plenty of space. If you have 1 Indian Blue male, 1 White male, and the rest are hens, your males shouldn’t be fighting a lot since there’s plenty of space and there’s enough hens for each male. I have seen other breeders house several males and females during breeding season without problems but I don’t know how large their pens were. I keep my pens 1 male to 1-3 hens so I know who the parents are.

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