Need ideas for small coop/brooder for babies

...or you could just feed an 'all flock' type feed and provide oyster shells in a separate container.

I like to feed a 'flock raiser' 20% protein crumble to all ages and genders, as non-layers(chicks, males and molting birds) do not need the extra calcium that is in layer feed and chicks and molters can use the extra protein. Makes life much simpler to store and distribute one type of chow that everyone can eat.

The higher protein crumble also offsets the 8% protein scratch grains and other kitchen/garden scraps I like to offer.

Calcium should be available at all times for the layers, I use oyster shell mixed with rinsed, dried, crushed chicken egg shells in a separate container.

Animal protein (mealworms, a little cheese - beware the salt content, meat scraps) is provided during molting and if I see any feather eating.
^^^^ This!

Up until a couple of months ago, I feed my 1 1/2 yr old hens chick starter crumble. I liked the higher protein and feed oyster shell on the side. I recently changed brands and went to a 20% all flock. I have adults, pullets and babies on this. All love it and are doing great!

This was my brooder. It was a permanent structure inside the coop. I had my roost on the top, and used the top of the brooder as a poop board. It worked really good. It was 3'x10'.

Then I got tired of scraping poop every day, and tore it out and redid my coop. Instead of one large coop, I made it into 2 coops and then added another coop on the other side of that wall. Plus each coop has an attached run.

What you can do, instead of building it inside your run, you can build it on the outside with an opening to the run. Then it wouldn't take up run space, and you wouldn't have the chickens trying to roost on top. Or if you build it in the run and don't want the chickens on top, make sure you build a slanted roof.

Now, I just have the babies in the coop/run that is between my other two coops. They can see the adults and interact with them safely through the hardware cloth. When it's time for them to join the group, there is very little pecking since they have been side by side since I brought the babies home.
A coop and run for 12 chicks is going to take up a lot of space in the existing run. Maybe building it 'next door' and having a shared fence for one side of the run might be a better idea. Then, when they are old enough, you can snip a few chick sized holes in the wire so the chicks can go visit in the big chicken's run, but the big chickens can't get to the little guys. When the big guys get to be a bit too much for the little guys, they can retreat to their 'safe' zone.

I agree! now my brooding areas are in stages and stacked with a lower area that has an attached sand run surrounded in hardware mesh even on the bottom. And they are just deep enough so that I can reach every corner. When my flock was much smaller I had juveniles in with the hens and a small fenced off area just for the youngsters was perfect then. a garden wire large enough just for them to run or walk thru staked in the ground to their sleeping area. We have tried everything...pvc feeders, watering systems, rabbit water bottles, traditional jug and feeders and use them all now. To prevent wasted food we use modified chick feeders and tell old metal feeders including rabbit type feeders through the mesh. As far as wood goes we have used everything that is environmentally safe and strong enough for the job. We do not use chicken wire now though, ever. The only things that have.proven a waste of money is chicken wire, plastic mesh, bird mesh for trees and not doing things right the first time.
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I fed MEDICATED Chick grower, and non-medicated layer.

The birds needed separated to ensure each ate their own.

I am switching to AllFlock Nutrena once pullets are done on med-gro.

See my profile for my setup & pics.

Note: I have 50 birds, and a 14x14 coop.
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When I built my second, larger coop I sectioned off part. It has a take down door that I can hang on the wall when not in use. It has its own roosts, nest boxes and pop door leading to a small separate run. This way I have a place to put babies, a sitting hen or an injured bird. I got tired of having bigger chickens in my house and when I tried to have a broody hen hatch some chicks, the other hens got in the way. I am happy with my new setup.
Is there anyway you can section a part of your coop off?

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