Need ideas on getting chickens to the garden


14 Years
Apr 2, 2009
Jutland, New Jersey
So my garden is just about finished for the year. They only thing left going is some green beans which are enclosed in a fence. I would like to get the chickens in the garden for a week or two (which is fenced in). Their coop is about 150 feet away from the garden. Have any ideas about how to get them there. I though about putting them in a large dog crate, but I think they will freak out and then not want go back in so I can return them at night.

I have though about a temporary coop but that will be a lot of work for just a week or two (unless you have any good ideas)

I though about running wire, but 300 feet of wire is A LOT and that still means I have to get them back in at night.

I guess im just looking for suggestions!
Pick them up and put them in the garden...
Well, I haven't worked with them a whole lot on being picked up...they dont really like it. At all. They will follow me in the run, but Im afraid that once they are out into the grass and the bugs in the yard they won't make it to the garden.

Edit: even if I did pick them up and carry them to the garden, catching them to put them away would be a joke.
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Transporting them via a dog carrier would be my method with that distance.
If catching the chickens is a problem then what about making a small type corral in the garden and just slowly walk them into the corral. As you probably know chickens are much easier to catch in close quarters.
I don't know how much experience you have with chickens but move slowly when "herding" then try to move slowly as you get ready to catch the bird. Chickens don't like quick movement, )obviously predators move quickly when attacking) and will scatter and become panicky when human or animal move quickly around them.
I understand the slow movement thing.

Do you think that if I carry some (say 4) out to the garden and then try to get the rest to follow me that that might work?? Also, getting them in at night **might** be easier because I can turn the light on in the coop (coop is inside the barn).

I just dont want to lose any, especially at night.
Mine are cookoo for cooked rice....but once they spot some nice bugs they could care less.

So what if I got some rice....let them have a bite, and them slowly started walking toward the garden ( I can see this going very wrong if they decide not to follow me)

Do you think that once they follow me to the garden a few times that they will get used to it and know the drill?
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How many do you have?

I have 30 and if I moved 4 into my garden then their buddies would probaly follow. My hens forage in cliques. So I can bet that not all my hens would gravitate to the 4 locked in the garden
I would think that getting them back in their run shouldn't be a problem. They will usually put themselves to bed at night. Might they follow you into the garden for treats?

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