Need Informatoin


In the Brooder
Dec 1, 2015
Hi everyone, I live in Michigan where it can get pretty cold. I'm building my new coop so it well be ready for spring and i wanted to know what would be a good breed to get for med. sized eggs to large. They will also become pets just like every thing else we have lol Any information would be great. thank you
I'm a super big fan of sex links but I live in Oregon so I don't know how well they do with cold. Mine are super sweet and lay big eggs almost every day. They have also laid through their first winters instead of molting. I have read they are prone to sickness but I haven't lost any yet. Good luck!
X2 on Daises; I especially love the Black Sex Links (Black Stars) as they are very friendly and hardy laying machines that consistently churn out more than 300 large brown eggs per hen per year. They are especially persistent layers in really cold weather.
Some say that they do not get along with others, do you have this problem or do you have all the same breed . thank you for your help
Some say that they do not get along with others, do you have this problem or do you have all the same breed .  thank you for your help

It may be a common trait with commercial breeds but they can sometimes be harsh with other flock members in my experience. That should not dissuade you however - I have one that's an angel, and others that are tinkers!
Some say that they do not get along with others, do you have this problem or do you have all the same breed . thank you for your help

I've never had problems with my Black Sex Links getting along with other breeds. I've had a few cantankerous Red Sex Links though.
Are you interested in a particular egg color, or doesn't it matter? If you are worried about frostbitten combs you could stick to rose/pea combs. Easter Eggers, Wyandottes, Dominiques, Chanteclers and Brahmas are possibilities.
Just wanted to say Thank You all for your help. If you think of anything else please let me know. Thanks again

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