Need input on incubators

SD fun feathers

6 Years
Jun 8, 2013
I am new so would like some help with incubator information. Which brand or type is the best to purchase? I have chickens and ducks to hatch.
Thank you
if your new to hatching, and just working with a few birds; Brisnea probably makes the best incubators. hovabator, and little giants aren't bad either, but wont last as long and not quite as "advanced"

if your flock is larger, you might look at Brisnea's larger incubators, or possibly GQF Sportsman incubators.

don't buy an incubator just for its digital readout, and never trust the thermometers and hygrometers that come with an incubator. just because its digital does not make it right, also just because its "old fashioned" doesnt make it right either. most thermometers digital or not have a few degrees of temperature variance in their manufacturing.
I am now working with just a few right now but am going to expand. Is this one a good choice? Brinsea Octagon 20 ECO Auto Turn Egg Incubator. Also, I have mostly bantams do the incubators allow for the difference in egg sizes? I also have ducks. I am hoping to buy one incubator for all.
Thank you for your help, will wait to hear back.
that model will hatch all sizes of eggs through duck/turkey. i do think they have different disks for the turners that holds more eggs if your hatching smaller eggs.

i personally dont have any brisnea incubators, i just know everyone who uses them on here loves them.
we are still new to this incubating thing, but have recently have very high hatch rates. After I borrowed a couple of friends incubators and had low hatch rates, I purchased an hovabator genesis. You plug it in add water, monitor the humidity and hatch eggs. I would highly recommend it to any one trying to hatch a few eggs. It's definitely not the best or biggest but for my family doing 2-3 hatches a year its perfect.

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