Need More "Meat on the Bone"


6 Years
Jan 5, 2016
I had this roo I was going to prepare for the pot a few months ago. His breast felt nice and full. He had a good heft to him. I separated him out so his crop would be mostly empty the next morning and gathered my gear. Life happened the next day and I didn't get to the roo, and then it was time for the work week. I put the roo back in the flock he was in for a couple of weeks until I was ready to go again but, to my horror, I could feel his keel bone almost like a knife. Where'd all the meat go? I figured he was having trouble eating so I separated him out and gave him his dedicated feeder thinking that would help, but to this day, he's never gotten that full-meat feeling back. So, I usually raise some cornishX each year for the purpose of eating and sell the roos off. I butchered a roo with a sharp keel bone once before and there was so little meat it was useful for nothing but making a bone broth -- not worth the effort, really.

I've searched and read and a lot of people say "protein" and some say "scratch" if I want to add fat. I already feed 24% protein. I could add scratch but that'll take away from the protein and it seems like more muscle/meat/protein is what I need but I'm going to start adding scratch today. Is there any other options or is there a point where roos just loose that good meat fullness?

If it helps, the roo is a cross between a Black Copper Maran and an Americauna.

How old is he? My instinct is to tell you he will never gain a lot of weight because of his breed, but since you’re saying he did have a full breast, I’m not sure. How old was he when he had the fuller breast? Are your days pretty short where you life? He might not be eating as much due to shorter days. I pro ya Dominique/ameraucana cross when he was 19 weeks old just a few days ago and his breast was pretty small. I normally feed 18-20% protein feed. Whatever I can find that isn’t layer feed.
He was about 6 months when I first tried. He's just north of 8 months now.

I feed the 24% because I get that for my quail, and I find it easier to feed one type of food for growing chicks, quail, and things I want to eat. Nobody indicated there was such a thing as too much protein except for in the expense when I asked.


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