Need roach and ant control; Orange Guard? Nature-cide? Something else?


Jun 19, 2020
Central Florida
We are having a huge ant and roach problem in our run and coop. As in, there are a huge number of ants and a lot of huge roaches. šŸ˜³šŸ˜… We have a light in the run and occasionally go flip it on at night for a few minutes to wake up our girls for some quick roach snacks, but thatā€™s not really an effective way to control the population. šŸ˜‚

A friend recommended Orange Guard or Nature-cide. Anyone here used one of these or something else that works? If you have found and used a chicken-safe pesticide, what is the best way you found to use it? How long do I need to keep our chickens off the area?
Oh, and we have tried DE. Itā€™s not really practical or effective with our Florida rain, and the fire ants laugh at it.
Are the roaches "palmetto bugs" (american cockroach) or german cockroaches? The german roach is the nasty disgusting creature we all think of scurrying around the kitchen floor at night. Nasty!
The American cousin is a giant! We had them reach over 3" when we lived in GA but most were 1-2". These guys, despite being big and horrifying to look at, are harmless. They feed on rotten vegetation and show up in your house when they go looking for a mate. They do not cause the "infestation" we associate with roaches.

"Home Defense" helped us keep the palmetto bugs out of the house and it works well keeping ants from getting in. Terro baits work great on the ants already in the run.

I would set terro baits out but keep them from the chickens by placing them under a board, rock etc. If its the palmetto bugs, I would do nothing. Let the birds have their snack. If its the german roach all out chemical warfare may be necessary.
Are the roaches "palmetto bugs" (american cockroach) or german cockroaches? The german roach is the nasty disgusting creature we all think of scurrying around the kitchen floor at night. Nasty!
The American cousin is a giant! We had them reach over 3" when we lived in GA but most were 1-2". These guys, despite being big and horrifying to look at, are harmless. They feed on rotten vegetation and show up in your house when they go looking for a mate. They do not cause the "infestation" we associate with roaches.

"Home Defense" helped us keep the palmetto bugs out of the house and it works well keeping ants from getting in. Terro baits work great on the ants already in the run.

I would set terro baits out but keep them from the chickens by placing them under a board, rock etc. If its the palmetto bugs, I would do nothing. Let the birds have their snack. If its the german roach all out chemical warfare may be necessary.
Is that ortho home defense?
Is that ortho home defense?
Yes. You use it around the perimeter of the coop on the outside where the ants are getting inside. Since its outside the coop, the chickens should not have to come into contact with it (not that it would probably matter if they did, i dont know).
There are also some pet safe and organic insecticides that can be found at any hardware store but i can not remember their name. Eco- something? Green and white bottle.
Are the roaches "palmetto bugs" (american cockroach) or german cockroaches? The german roach is the nasty disgusting creature we all think of scurrying around the kitchen floor at night. Nasty!
The American cousin is a giant! We had them reach over 3" when we lived in GA but most were 1-2". These guys, despite being big and horrifying to look at, are harmless. They feed on rotten vegetation and show up in your house when they go looking for a mate. They do not cause the "infestation" we associate with roaches.

"Home Defense" helped us keep the palmetto bugs out of the house and it works well keeping ants from getting in. Terro baits work great on the ants already in the run.

I would set terro baits out but keep them from the chickens by placing them under a board, rock etc. If its the palmetto bugs, I would do nothing. Let the birds have their snack. If its the german roach all out chemical warfare may be necessary.
They are the big palmetto bugs. I know they donā€™t hurt anythingā€¦but they will make me hurt myself. šŸ˜‚ and Iā€™d prefer they not use my house as a dating service! šŸ˜‚ Thanks for the idea about the Terro bait! That may really help with the ant problem in the run!

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