Need some advice on "pecking order"

Thanks for the links...I actually searched the problem before posting!

She has been acting a little different lately. We put the mean hens back in the coop and they kind of chased her a little bit until she jumped up into the coop and went to the nesting box. Shes been there for 2 days now. She is acting broody and just hanging out with the other eggs but my gf is saying she has an egg stuck in her. She has not left the nesting area since we put them all back in so it may be stress related. All of my other hens go into the nesting area and lay eggs right next to her without any problems.

I have not seen her leave the coop (but I am gone for 10 hours a day so its possible she does) and when I look inside to see how shes doing she stares me down and kind of flares up her rear feathers. I checked for poop and saw a little bit around her feathers but nothing else.

So I'm going to try try the warm bath part and see how that goes.

Any other advice is apptreciated! Thank you!
When I got home from work today I spent some time with her and had her in some warm water with epson salt and tried to relax her. The whole time her rear was pulsating like she was trying to get something out. She was in there for a good 10 mins and she had a pretty big fart. Then a few minutes later she had a massive poop that (that REALLY stunk). A few mins after that when I picked her up to check everything out and she had some more poop. Not much but enough to make two floating turds in the sink. I patted her dry with a towel and used a hair blower and dried her off for the most part. She started to get fussy and was making a lot of noise so I put her in a big cardboard moving box with some wood shavings in the bottom and some water and food. She seems to be doing fine now.

I read on here that you should feel a hard abdomen and be able to feel an egg and I don't believe there was any of that. I felt around and there was nothing that stood out to me. Nothing that felt like and egg and everything seemed soft and normal. I put on some gloves and felt around little more around her vent area and didn't feel anything.

So for now she hanging out in yet another make shift coop. Its inside in the kitchen so she wont get too cold or anything.

Anyways, Who's has some input for me!?

Wow! You are a great chicken keeper SDDiver, and I can say that because of your story with your silkie my daughter now wants a silkie hen. Right now my top bird is getting beat up and peck hard on by of the weeker hen "Luna". Luna used to be sickly and now a year later she is one of the bigger birds, it helps that she is a Brahma and she was pushed around by the top bird. So right now I am watching the pecking order shift.
As far as egg bound my daughter makes a Tums with yogurt mix and with probiotic egg boost in the water we have helped several of our chicken through egg binding. I will say it again that I am not an expert, but that is what has helped us. I think you are probably doing the right thing with your hen and if she is still young it will be while longer before she is a regular egg layer. Hang in there you little silkie sound like she a determine bird.
great job there SD. hang in there, sounds like she was plugged up for some reason, keep a closer eye on her for a couple of days as she could still have some blockage up higher, make sure she is drinking plenty of water and acting normal, if not might need to consult a vet
Thanks for the positive vibes everyone!

She seems fine now. I checked her this AM and she was sitting in the box just hanging out. Plenty of food and water. Last night about 10pm I heard her start to make some "bruck bruck" noises and thats usually what she does after she lays an egg. Went on for a few minutes as usual and then stopped. I checked this AM and there was no egg.

Here is something interesting, she just sits in her box happy as can be (I think) until I go to put my hand in to change water or get more food or whatever. Right as my hand gets close to her she flares up all of her rear feathers, starts to pulsate again and makes a high picth but low volume scream if that makes sense. Maybe she is just scared after her stressful bath?

Oh and BTW, when I gave her the bath I was checking for any peck marks/scabs/worms, etc and she seemed to be fine. A little light on the feathers around her face but that has always been the case with her.

Thanks again!!
So good to hear she has improved SD
Is she eating,drinking and messing like normal now? with it being like you said I would give another bath today just to make sure she is cleared out and make sure she's acting normal before putting her back into the flock
Slordaz, Hard to tell if she is acting normal really. I think it will take some time. She has been through a lot the past few weeks so I'm sure she is a little freaked out. But then again, she was always the weird one to begin with!
there's always gotta be one of those lol, good thing she's got someone that takes good care of her though. kudos SD

I have no idea what is going on with my black hen. She sits in the box/coop I made her and stares at the corner. All day. She is eating and drinking a very minimal amount.

There is obviously something wrong and I have no idea what it is. I feel like she is in some pain or suffering because she isint moving but I am still not sure.

Today, as a final attempt, I am going to take her outside and let her roam around my backyard and see how she does. If she doesnt move and just sits down I'm pretty sure that will be a sign that she is suffering and I'll most likely put her out of her misery. I'd hate for her to be in pain.

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