need some help


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
I want to get some rhode island red chicks at TSC but there very young is there a way with this breed to pick chicks from a mix of genders and have better odds of getting females thanks and is 1.99 a chick too much to pay it seems cheap to me
A lot of time the chicks at the feed store are already sexed so ask them if they are pullets or straight run. Price varies by area, but I would think 1.99 was fair for pullets.
yeah here its 1.99 for sr and 2.59 for pullets but if you get pullets theres 5 breeds mixed and i dont know how to tell what is what and i want rir's and the rir sr are young so im not sure how to pick out the females im thinking of just picking ones with skinny legs anyone have any sugestions
That's as good as anything. I don't know of any reliable way to sex rir other then by vent and that has to be done on day 1 (I think) and by someone who knows what they're doing. If you're willing to pay the extra you could probably find some rir chick pictures on here so you know what to look for at the feed store.
I agree with the other replies. Ask if they are pullets or SR. If they are SR, check with other feed stores if there are any in your area. RIR is a pretty common breed. Most places that sell chicks are going to have RIR.

By the way, my RIR pullet is the friendliest bird in your flock. She is b y far our favorite. She loves to "chat" with us. She also like to be held. We like her so much that we are getting more RIR this year. We have 3 on order from a local breeder and may pick up a couple of more from another source.
I bought 6 assorted reds from tsc last friday. I am brand new to this, is rhode island reds the kind they are? they are doing very well so far. My wife was actually excited when i brought them home. I am feeding them chick starter how long should i feed this to them and what should i go to next?
You'll get more responses if you start your own thread.
Your chicks could be RIR's, Production Reds (PR), Red Sex Links (RSL) or probably a few other things, but the three I mentioned are most likely for feed store chicks. They can stay on the starter until around 18 +/- weeks or they start laying. Enjoy your new little fuzzy butts!
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