need some help


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 15, 2012
Peachland North Carolina
I have a hen who is sitting on her eggs and another hens. So far she has hatched 9. I found an egg underneath her that it was trying to hatch but the membrane was like rubber so I opened the egg and got the chick out. I have the hen and the chicks in a container and her box she is sitting on is in the crate. When I put the chicks outside of the box she gets upset. Can I take her away from the chicks and leave them in the crate with food and water and let her finish sitting on the rest of the eggs elsewhere. I know the chicks are hungrey. I am including a pic to show what I mean.

You can take chicks away from a hen as soon as they're hatched and raise them in a brooder if you want to. Hatchery chicks are artificially incubated and never see an adult chicken. They're "on their own" from the minute they hatch.

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