Need some life advice

Thanks everyone, please keep em coming! Each moment I think I can pick myself up something else happens to push me back down. I feel like I am at my breaking point or maybe I passed it.
one week out of your life is nothing.

If you're young, the world will change for you. If you're grown, you'll change your world to you liking. If you old, the world has little to offer or offend.

Suck it up. Its only living and dying. In the big scheme of things little truly matters except our reactions to it all.

I'v been the underdog far too long, held the hands of far too many dying people, and lost far too much to really have much more advise to give. If you dont suck it up and pull through it it'll eat you alive, or make you too bitter to care anymore. The minute you start feeling sorry for yourself is the minute you lose a tiny something you cant get back, even when the tough times are over.

The tough times do get better, but there will always be tough times in their season, best to bolster up and plow through.
keep on keepin' on.... take a break, take a bath, sit there and sulk, distract yourself.... give yourself a break. you cant run 150% all the time.


pick yourself up. the weather change is hard and based on the behavior of all my animals i believe we are at a strange time of the year/moon phase/whatever.

we're all in this together!
Life is about attitude, How you see yourself in relationship to the rest of the world.

Try this .....look in the mirror and say 20-25 times....

I feel healthy ...I feel happy.....I feel terrific....

It may seem wierd or strange to do this but you will be amazed how you look at things after a while.... sometimes you just have to set things in motion.

Stuff happens we handle it makes all the difference.
...... life has a habit of throwing things at you every once in a while... don't let it get to you..... happy times are just round the corner.. go peek! ..... Look at this week as one more battle to be fought and won..... then take a little chill out time just for you and Snakeman... go on a day trip, pack a picnic, dip your feet in a stream and relax amongst the wonders of nature..... it is a real pick me up... a little change is as good as a get those books out on places to visit....go on.....
You can do this, you can pull through. I fell into depression two years ago, and I was taught to look into the mirror and say "I am *your name* and I can do anything if I put my mind to it." It truly helps, even though I felt stupid doing it - it works. Whenever you are feeling down remind your self that you are worth so much.

No matter what is going on in your life, God is by your side. Let him take your hand and lead you to where he wants you to go. Sometimes we stare at the closed door for so long, we never see the new door he opened for us. Remember, you are a prince/princess of the most high. He loves you so much and cares about you. I was told once that we will never know our highs if we never have our lows.

I will be praying for you
Just know that it will pass. Take deep breaths and be nice to you. Take a nice hot bath, ignore the world while doing it and just do not think...just relax. Hug a chicken!


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