Need Some Newbie Advice for My New Run


8 Years
Jul 27, 2011
Larryville, KS
Hey dudes. I just finished my run (the girls are in a psuedo tractor a.t.m) and I was wondering if I should add anything to the bottom of the run. It is mostly dirt with a few plants (like leftover weeds), sticks and larger rocks. Should I put sand, chick grit or smaller rocks in there??
My floor is sand and some gravel mixed in and I have two roosts. One lower at around 2 ft and one at 3 ft. I also have placed a few rocks around 12" in diameter for them to hop around on or sit on. I have a covered run and they only stay in there when I am not home or when the weather is real bad. I am in the process of fencing in a huge area that is both grass and woods for free range time as they are really difficult to keep safe from foxes. They use to range all day but now I will only let them out when I am around.

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