Need to deworm


Mar 11, 2021
I have five 22 week old hens. They're in a large run most of the day. But get 2 to 3 hours of free range a day. They've all started to have diarrhea at least a couple times a day and their combs have lightened up a bit and I worry they have worms. I have called every vet in my area and non will check their poo for worms. What's the best general dewormer if I don't know what type of worms they have? They've never been wormed. Thanks in advance.
Do you have other birds besides these?

What exactly do you feed them?
Can you get pictures of fresh poop tomorrow?

Do you know what coccidiosis is?
Nope, only those 5.
Scratch & Peck brand layer feed. They also get a handful of dried black fly larvae a day. Yes I can get pics of poop. I can't see any worms in them. One article said to look for moving small hairs, which I do see hair type things but never moving and honestly looks like parts of grass or grain to me.
At first I assumed they were just drinking more water when it was hot, but it has continued on not hot days and now their combs aren't bright red like they used to be. However, they're all eating and acting fine.
Are you sure you're not just seeing the cecal poops?
Sorry forgot to answer your last question. Yes, I know what cocci is but I haven't seen any blood in the pool and I kinda thought that was more so for baby chick's. Is there something I should look for with my older ones regarding cocci?
Sorry forgot to answer your last question. Yes, I know what cocci is but I haven't seen any blood in the pool and I kinda thought that was more so for baby chick's. Is there something I should look for with my older ones regarding cocci?
Cocci is not the correct word. Cocci is a bacteria.

Birds of any age can suffer from coccidiosis (caused by coccidia) but it's usually not likely to happen to older birds unless new birds are brought in to the flock. Blood does not always happen with coccidiosis.
Have you checked them well for lice and or mites?
I just checked all of them for lice and mites yesterday and they all look clean. I do see their cecal poops too, but the diahrea is very watery, doesn't look like their cecal poops at all.
Cocci is not the correct word. Cocci is a bacteria.

Birds of any age can suffer from coccidiosis (caused by coccidia) but it's usually not likely to happen to older birds unless new birds are brought in to the flock. Blood does not always happen with coccidiosis.
Sorry I just shortened the word because my auto correct was giving me a hard time. But that's good to know! Thank you! Would they be acting sick if it was coccidiosis? I have the meds for it but I've never used it.
Safe-Guard sold for goats or the horse paste would be a good choice.

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