need tylan injection doseage asap please


ShowGirl Queen
12 Years
Jul 18, 2007
Northwestern, pa
i need tylan 50 injection info dose and how to do it. i know it is an im but never had to do it before cause never could find the meds. any help would be greatly appreciated i have 3 sick with different stuff.
alright got shots into 2 of them worked great they didn't even move gotta get the other one outside to do her yet. they were good girls and never made a fuss!

i used the 27ga needles i have and worked great except the med took a little longer to fill up and worked great for putting in slow and no blood so could do in first attempt. thanks so much for the help. they r recouping from frostbite and sick so i hope this works and helps them.
Not that it will make much difference being that silkie and I are both licensed poultry technicians, but 2 are coughing and sneezing and one has conjuntivitis. the 3 have been given 2 injections each and will get a third today.

I have to say that the Tylan 50 is definitely worth keeping around. after the first injection I saw substantial improvement, the coughing and sneezing is minimal and the conjuctivitis is subsiding, the eye is open but still runny. After 2 days I have not heard any sneezing or coughing, I will let you know how the conjuctivitis is doing later after checking on it.


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