Needing help ID'ing a barnyard mix


Jun 6, 2020
Hello all,
Recently started a small flock (6 birds) and am needing a little help id'ing them. The chicks were a random assortment giving to me by my uncle, and I'm pretty sure I have at least 3 cockerels (lucky me!), but I'm worried I might have another one. Any help ya might have would be appreciated. They're all about 10 weeks old

I think these two are pullets?

These two I have seen crowing, but they're very friendly. Pretty sure the crested in the back is also a cockerel

He is the alpha, but is very friendly. Doesnt crow much (yet)

I have no idea about this one

Thanks for the help!
First two are pullet and cockerel, could be Silkie or Cemani mixes. Pic 2 and 3 look like Polish, and they all look like cockerels to me. Pic 4 is an easter egger or Ameraucana and she’s a pullet.
First two are pullet and cockerel, could be Silkie or Cemani mixes. Pic 2 and 3 look like Polish, and they all look like cockerels to me. Pic 4 is an easter egger or Ameraucana and she’s a pullet.

4 cockerels! Haha lucky me. I am glad the big ameraucana is a her though! Looks like I need to find some new homes for the boys asap!
Thanks for the help!

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